EVENTUALLY: Chapter: 19. Revenge was what Londiwe always - TopicsExpress


EVENTUALLY: Chapter: 19. Revenge was what Londiwe always wanted for the man who raped her. She didnt know exactly how to deal with him when the time comes,since she had no enough proof to get him arrested. The only option she had was to kill or cause the approximate amount of pain in any way possible. Many movies she had watched had inspired her idea of doing that,and had also gave her enough tactics on how to go about it. Day by day she was patiently waiting for the day to come although years had passed,but she was still waiting,and she would replay the scenes in her mind;where she would be killing or punishing her life destroyer as she gets all the closure she wants. Even the day before she went to church,she had replayed the scene in her mind for a few seconds. But when the preacher preached he had erased all that in her mind. Nomatter how the closure of revenge had enticed her mind,the words of the preacher were stripping naked her thoughts revealing the evil in its good intentions. She had tried to justfy them but the word of God had exposed them. Forgiveness is the key to freedom! The preacher had concluded,leaving Londiwe feeling like a new creature. But Teddys confession had took all that away within a minute. And as much as she wanted her revenge,the words the preacher had said were warning her everytime the thought crossed her mind. She even wished if she had not go to church the previous day. There wouldnt be so much complications like this Londiwe mumbled as she regreted. She didnt know what to expect or what to do throught out the day,though she was feeling like there was something she should do about the whole scenario of the previous day. It was after she had had her breakfast when her phone rang. Londiwe please listen to me only for a minute Teddy begged after Londiwe had answered her phone and threatened to switch it off when she heard Teddys voice. What do you wanna say? Sorry? Well forget about it cause im never forgiving you in a million years!! Londiwe retorted. All i want is for us to meet and talk,there are few things i wanna clarify and i will accept whatever concequences that may come my way thereafter Teddy said,but Londiwe was not willing at all to cooperate. Listen to me you rapist Londiwe said in a low voice which was almost whispering. First of all you will not tell me what to do,and you dont get to ask me anything from now on. And secondly i will freely advise you to watch your back,because im definitely coming for you. Rapist!! Londiwe said her voice filled with malice as she ended the call before Teddy could reply. Teddy was left agitated by her words. He had sensed her hate on the phone and he had believed her when she said (watch your back) and that made Teddy not to feel comfortable at all. All he wanted was to confirm if Nkosi was his son,so that he can take take part in raising him. And he also wanted to tell her that he would help her to get himself arrested as justice would be done. Teddy started to think about his love life as he reckon that he was never meant to love. As much as he loved Londiwe he had to accept that they were never going to be together. The women hated him,and he could not blame her. Because it would be against all odds for a women to be in a relationship with a man who raped her. That would be like trying to make fire in the water,its simply impossible and totaly not tallying Teddy said to himself as he accepted the fact that him and Londiwe were done. Days and weeks passed Londiwe and Teddy had not seen each other. Teddy had tried to call Londiwe several times,but her phone was going on voicemail,he had also tried to go and see her where she was staying but she was nolonger there. And slowly but sure he was succeeding in burying the love he had for her. TD is that you!? A familiar women voice exclaimed,and Teddy turned around to look and he could not believe his eyes. It was Natasha his ex girlfriend. Tasha!!? Teddy exclaimed too his heart skipping. Tasha what are you doing here? Teddy asked still not believing what he was seeing. Natasha was looking so beautiful and mesmerizing than the last time he had saw her. Teddys smile died as a man appeared behind her,as he assumed that he was a man in her life. The man cleared his throat notifying Natasha that he was there. Oh,Teddy this is Gabazani Natasha said putting her hand on the shoulder of the man who was standing next to her. Teddy put forth his hand to greet him,but Gabazani did not do the same. He acted like his hands were for sale. They talked a little bit with Natasha as they catch up in some other few unintimate things,and Teddy could not deny it. He was smitten by her. Given a chance i would give us another try,Teddy had thought his eyes glued on Tashas ever exquisite cleavage and surprisingly his prick shaked a little,putting a grin on his face. Because that was a sign that he would make Natasha to stay this time around
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:11:35 +0000

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