EVER WONDER IF ANARCHY COULD WORK? COMMUNISM? SOCIALISM? A libertarian society is the perfect testing ground for all ideas and philosophies, except those that require force against an unwilling individual... Libertarians believe in total liberty. Individuals are allowed to do ANYTHING they wish, as long as they do not harm another individuals LIFE, LIBERTY, or PROPERTY. This is also known as the NAP (non-aggression principal). In this society, the idea as to whether anarchy could actually work, could be tested. People could easily set up an area that they, and all the occupants, decide will be an anarchy zone. There would be no interference unless force is used. There are even communists who adhere to the NAP. They are so certain that a communist society would work, that they believe force would not be needed to create the system. They too, could set up a land based on the system of communism. It would be the ultimate experiment in seeing if the philosophy would work, minus the force world communists utilize. These are only examples. I do not condone or suggest them. In a true free society, the world of ideas is our oyster. Live Free!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 08:49:30 +0000

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