EVERLASTING GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Compiled by Clarke Wideman Matthew - TopicsExpress


EVERLASTING GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Compiled by Clarke Wideman Matthew 28:19 The Citations: Last page Note 1 in W.J. Ferrar’s edition Matthew 28:19. The verse is quoted thus seven times in the Demonstration with the omission of the reference to Baptism and the Trinity. Conybeare (Hibbert Journal, i. (1902-3) page 102), who holds that the reference was interpolated for dogmatic reasons, and was not fully assured in the text till after the Council of Nicea, supports his view from the practice of Eusebius. This is the view of Kirsopp Lake Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, ii. 380 and Moffatt, The Historical New Test 1901, page 647. The historicity of the words as ipsissima verba is denied by Harnack, Cleman and J.A. Robinson, Encyclopedia Biblica, art. “Baptism” from the Acts taken literally it would be gathered that apostolic Baptism was simply in the Name of Jesus – (Acts 8:12-16; Acts 9:18; Acts 22:16). Book I, Chapter 6, 24 © p. 42 “Go ye into all the world, and make disciples of all the nations …teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded you.” Bibliography: Eusebius (265-339), Bishop of Caesarea around 314 was referred to as the son of Pamphilus. He wrote many books, the best known of which is the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius. Other writings were the Praeparatio, the Demonstratio from which we have the Proof of the Gospel, Quaetiones and Stephanum, and the Epitome. According to the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, “His time considered him its most learned man.” The above seven-references of Matthew 28:19 according to Eusebius reflect the verse as he read it from the text in the library in Caesarea. The problem with most translations including the King James Version, as it relates to the text of Matthew 28:19, is that they reflect an erroneous addition of wording of catholic origin and not the correct words spoken by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As the verse and the doctrine of the Trinity were being discussed in his day, and having access to the original, Eusebius denounced the reading of Matthew 28:19 with the Trinitarian phrase as the most serious of all the falsifications. It is time for modern day Christianity to get back to the actual words of our Lord Jesus and quote the words as they were actually written in the “Everlasting Gospel” of Matthew as: “Go ye into all the world and make disciples of all the nations in my Name (Matthew 28:19). The Story The Everlasting Gospel Excerpts from the Proof of the Gospel by Eusebius, edited by W.J. Ferrar Eusebius quotes referring to Matthew 28:19. Compiled by Clarke Wideman” Is herewith attached for reference relative thereto.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 09:59:02 +0000

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