EVERLASTING GOSPEL: WHO IS GOD? GOD IS LOVE. * BELOVED, THIS IS NOT ONLY OUR OPENING ADDRESS BUT IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL THE GOSPELS EVER PREACHED TO YOU. In fact it is the foundation stone of this kingdom. * I DECIDED NOT TO DELIVER MY WORDS IN THEIR LANGUAGE (ENGLISH), GREEK, LATIN, HEBREW…. * BUT WHO IS THE SPEAKER OF THIS WORD? IS IT NOT CHRIST? AND WHO IS CHRIST? IS IT NOT GOD, AND ALSO THE TRUTH? WHO IS THIS TRUTH THAT IS HERE? IS IT NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT? NOW WHO IS THIS HOLY SPIRIT? IS IT NOT LOVE? The weight of love has so been revealed to you because from now till eternity, it is the only phenomenon to be emphasized and given regards. * WELL, LET ME NOT TAKE YOU FURTHER BUT WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW IS THAT THIS IS THE GREATEST GOSPEL. AND IT IS THE TRUTH AND LIFE. WHO IS GOD? GOD IS LOVE. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. GOLDEN TEXT:JOHN13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. LOVE IS AN INDISPENSABLE ATTRIBUTE: Beloved, this is not only our opening address but it is the most important of all the gospels ever preached to you. In fact it is the foundation stone of this kingdom. BUT WHO IS THE SPEAKER OF THIS WORD? IS IT NOT CHRIST? AND WHO IS CHRIST? IS IT NOT GOD, AND ALSO THE TRUTH? WHO IS THIS TRUTH THAT IS HERE? IS IT NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT? NOW WHO IS THIS HOLY SPIRIT? IS IT NOT LOVE? The weight of love has so been revealed to you because from now till eternity, it is the only phenomenon to be emphasized and given regards. It is said in St. John’s Gospel Chapter thirteen verse thirty-five (John 13:35) that; “ If you have love for one another, then all will know that you are my disciples.” Beloved, before you can be called a ‘Christian ’, “ Jesus’ disciple ”, or Jesus per se, the above requirement must be met and if you cannot, you need to be fervently prayed for. Being a Christian does not mean much like being Christ’s disciple; and in order to achieve discipleship love must be seen in you. No matter the type of church denomination or secret cult which you may choose to initiate into, without the above instruction being taken into consideration, you are not entitled to be the follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. ALSO, ANY GOVERNMENT, CHURCH, CITY, INSTITUTION OF LEARNING OR PERSON THAT DOES NOT POSSESS THIS VIRTUE (LOVE) ALSO DOES NOT BELONGS TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. THE GREATEST THING: Your name, designation and such material wealth are vanity when love is not found in you. Our local adage has it that, “ a cow has given has given birth in the market square therefore there is no need asking her to close her thigh,” so in this kingdom, if you claim to be Christian or whatever you like to call yourself, then come forward and defend same by practicing “Love one another.” IT WILL BE OF ‘GREAT’ VALUE WHEN YOU STOP DISTURBING PEOPLE ON THE STREETS WITH YOUR NOISE BECAUSE THE MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH IS RIGHT HERE FOR YOU TO FOLLOW ONLY BY PRACTICING LOVE ONE ANOTHER. This thing is never new to you for I have been reiterating on this issue several times. I STILL REMIND YOU THAT WHATEVER NAME YOU MAY BE CALLED, WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS IRRELEVANT, BUT THE MAIN TARGET IS LOVE. The word of God and the truth is love so when we put it into practice by having love for one another, then we would realize our oneness with God. Churches, Religions, and Schools have no meaning unless they are founded on love, because love is supreme. I ALWAYS REFUSE TO AGREE WITH YOU WHEN YOU KOW-TOW TO THE WHITES ON THE BASIS THAT THEY MANUFACTURED THE WORD OF GOD AND INITIALED THE WORSHIP OF GOD IN THE WAY WE DO. IN FACT, THEY ARE UNIMPORTANT WHEN IT COMES TO THE WORD OF GOD OR ITS PROPAGATION. THIS IS BECAUSE THERE IS NO JOY, LOVE, OR TRUTH IN THEM. IT IS GOD WHO IS LOVE WHO INITIATED AND PROPAGATED HIS WORDS FROM THE BEGINNING. GOD BROUGHT EVERYTHING INTO EXISTENCE, INCLUDING HIS WORDS, AND THAT IS WHY HE LOVES EVERYTHING. THE WHITES DO NO KNOW GOD: Brethren, when you see a man you have seen God because God is in us and we are in His likeness. God affirms this fact in Psalm 82: 6 “I have said ye are Gods and all of you are children of the most High.” The scripture says is St John’s Gospel 1:1 “Before the world was created, the word already existed, he was with God and He was the same God.” With the above text, it is obvious that the whites were not the manufacturers of the word of God and as such, it is erroneous when you attribute to them the glory of bringing the word of God into existence. THE WHITES ONLY SUCCEEDED IN INDOCTRINATING YOU WITH DECEIT AND THAT IS WHY I DECIDED NOT TO DELIVER MY WORDS IN THEIR LANGUAGE(ENGLISH), GREEK, LATIN, HEBREW AND WHICHEVER DIALECT OF THE WHITES CANNOT BE USED BECAUSE THE OWNERS OF THE LANGUAGE DO NOT KNOW GOD. IT IS A FACT THAT GOD REQUIRES THE USE OF ONE LANGUAGE BY THE ENTIRE WORLD AND ONENESS AMONG YOU, OR THE WHITES CAN PROVE IT. IF YOU HAD LISTENED ATTENTIVELY TO THE SONG RENDERED BY THE ‘BIAN ANEYEN EVAI-BIAKPAN’ AND IF ONLY YOU UNDERSTOOD THE DIALECT, YOU WOULD HAVE ENJOYED THE MESSAGE OF THE SONG. THIS VERY SONG CANNOT BE RENDERED IN ANY OTHER DIALECT. EVEN WHEN AN EFFORT WAS MADE TO TRANSLATE IT INTO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, THE ORIGINAL MEANING WAS DISTORTED. IT IS ALSO ERRONEOUS TO RELEGATE GOD TO ISRAEL BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW GOD. IF THEY KNEW GOD, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE KILLED THE PROPHETS OF GOD. GOD IS LOVE, TRUTH, HUMILITY, AND SO IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO WAS KILLED BY THE ISRAELITES. HOWEVER, GOD IS A SPIRIT, AND THE EMBODIMENT OF ALL GOOD VIRTUES, HENCE, HE PROMISED TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO WHOEVER LOVES HIM. GOD IS WITH YOU: YOU ARE ADVISED NOT TO GO TO EGYPT, ROME, OR GERMANY OR ANY OTHER PART OF THE WORLD IN SEARCH OF GOD. THIS IS BECAUSE GOD CANNOT BE FOUND IN THESE PLACES, FOR THE INHABITANTS OF THESE PLACES DO NOT KNOW GOD. YOU SHOULD NOT CONTINUE TO LOOK TOWARDS THE SKY EXPECTING TO SEE GOD, FOR THE FATHER IS RIGHT HERE WITH YOU. HE HAS COME WITH ALL AMOUNT OF TRUTH TO RELAY UNTO YOU AS WELL AS LEAD YOU TO THE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. WELL, LET ME NOT TAKE YOU FURTHER BUT WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW IS THAT THIS IS THE GREATEST GOSPEL. AND IT IS THE TRUTH AND LIFE. Let the First Bible Lesson be read. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 15:12 “This is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you.” LOVE: THE CROWING POSSESSION: You have known that the word was made flesh and we beheld its beauty. As it is instructed in the above text, if we should abide by it, we shall see that love will metamorphose into a human being. It is in this wise that if the entire world should adopt the love of one another, man will see its beauty, peace, humility, and all other godly virtues, and even God per se and this is what we are all aiming at. The instructions constitute the spirit, God, Christ, and wealth. In fact, it is everything in heaven and on earth. Therefore if we should love one another, then we shall find everything going the way it should. Brethren, whatever is your desire can be acquired if only you would be able to practice and exhibit love for another. When you put this into practice, you will see that everything, children, wealth, wisdom, and peace are at your disposal. Just put it into practice and you need not worry yourself any more since you are in the kingdom of God. If you seek the kingdom of God first, there is nothing that you will not have because the scriptures say in Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” It is further stated in Hebrews 8:10-11 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those day, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their minds, and will write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people. And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.” Love is the new covenant, therefore you should be enriched with love. Love is God and the Word of God and the Power of God, human beings, wisdom, spirit, truth, and every other thing you may think of. When you practice this “Love ye one another,” you will see the manifestation of all these things, (God’s Promises) in you. Re-examine the Second Lesson. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 14:21 He that hath my commandments and keepth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him. LOVE IS SUPREME: The text has summarized everything to you. When you practice this “Love one another,” it means you love Christ and if you love Christ you have gained the love of God and Christ who will in turn pour out wisdom, peace, wealth, truth, life, righteousness, and every other thing unto you. That is why it is stated in John 10:1-2 Verily, verily I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that enterth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. Beloved, THE DOOR HERE SIGNIFIES LOVE. Therefore if you put love into practice, then there is no cause to lament over how you would inherit heaven for as long as this love is seen in you, the gate of heaven is quite open for you to pass through and heaven is yours. Without love, you are empty and void, hence your endeavors in life are vanity. But if you should love your neighbor as you love yourself, then you have succeeded in loving Christ. By this the love has extended to God, and eventually, you will realize that you have been able to keep His commandments and He will manifest Himself in you. If you could remember the Israelites wanted to follow the law in order to be justified and as a result they failed on the way. But the Gentiles who did not know God WERE JUSTIFIED BY MERELY BELIEVING AND ACCEPTING GOD. The same is applicable to anyone who loves. WHEN YOU PRACTICE LOVE “LOVE ONE ANOTHER,” YOU NEED NOT GO TO CHURCH, PRAY OR JOIN ANY RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION IN ORDER TO BE JUSTIFIED. HAVE I EVER ASKED YOU TO GO AND PRAY AT THE RIVER SIDE, FOREST, HILL TOP OR UNDER A TREE? BUT I CHARGE YOU TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER FOR LOVE IS THE DOOR TO HEAVEN AND EVERY GOOD THING COMES FROM LOVE. Right from the time of Adam, love reigned and that was why Our Lord Jesus Christ declared that the man who does not enter by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs in through some other way is a thief and a robber. (John 10:1). Beloved, you should endeavor to love one another so that what is written in John 14:21 will be fulfilled in you. Let the Golden Text be re-examined in order to confirm what is written in the Scriptures that the testimony from the mouths of two or three persons confirms the fact. GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one for another. LOVE A NEW PRIORITY: What does it cost you to love one another in order to be know as Christ’s Disciples? You claim to be a member of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, but all along, you go about with your soutane and Bible stealing and committing all sorts havoc. Whom do you think you are deceiving other than yourself? You claim to be a Pope, a Bishop, or a Chief Iman, but you go about telling lies, deceiving people, duping and doing all sorts of evil. Do such attitudes portray you as a true Christian or a man of God? THE ONLY QUALITY THAT IDENTIFIES YOU AS A CHRISTIAN OR A MAN OF GOD IS LOVE. It is when you practice this “Love one another” that you will be known as the disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ. If you could remember what is stated in Ist Corinthians 13:3 “And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to burnt, and I have no Charity, it profiteth me nothing.” Then you would know that Love is the paramount of all virtues. There is no other thing that will qualify you as a child of God or guarantee you admission into heaven other than love. Some people suggest that they should be given a badge, ring, or medal to wear on their shoulders, fingers, and around their necks as the case may be, as an identity card. Some suggest that their soutanes should be in made in a particular style or with peculiar styles or with a peculiar material as sign of identity as children of God. I HAVE ALWAYS OBJECTED TO THESE SUGGESTIONS BECAUSE ALL FASHIONS, STYLES, AND MODIFICATIONS CAN BE DESIGNED BY THE DEVIL. THE MOST COSTLY AND UNIQUE QUALITY WHICH CANNOT BE IMITATED BY THE DEVIL IS LOVE. WHEN YOU HAVE LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER, YOU ARE QUITE DIFFERENT FROM SATAN, HENCE YOU STAND OUT AS A CHILD OF GOD. AND IT IS THIS SAME LOVE THAT OUR LORD JESUS USED IN OVERCOMING THE WORLD. EVEN AT THE TIME HE WAS TAKEN TO PILATE, HE WAS DECLARED INNOCENT, AND IDENTIFIED AS A CHILD OF GOD. Brethren, GOD IS LOVE AND LOVE IS GOD, SO IF ONLY YOU START HAVING LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER, THEN YOU WOULD HAVE GOD, CHRIST, SPIRIT, TRUTH, PEACE, HUMILITY, AND YOU WOULD BE IDENTIFIED AS A CHILD OF GOD. It is said, a stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the world. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU HOLY FATHER. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR BIBLE CLASS LESSONS: LOVE IS THE GARMENT OF THIS KINGDOM WEBSITE: wordcenter.org
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 21:28:32 +0000

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