EVERY DELAY IN THE LIFE OF A CHILD OF GOD HAS A PURPOSE==== And David said what have i done now, is there not a cause? (1samuel 17:29) : In most cases as human, we are confused as 2 why some things happening 2 us, but unknowing 2 us, God has a great plan 4 us, (eg) one may be asking why did Abraham and Sarah find it difficult 2 get a child, desite d fact dat they were righteous b4 God?, d asnwer is just bcos God wants 2 give them a covenant child(1saac), why did God delayed Zachariah and Elizabeth in giving them a child, despite d fact dat they were blameless b4 God, d and answer is bcos God wanted 2 give them a child more than a prophet, a child dat is above all dat were born of women, John d baptist a fore-runner of Jesus Christ, one may ask, why did Jesus delayed his visit 2 d house of Lazarus, even when he got early information dat he was sick, and delayed his visit untill he died?, d answer is bcos he wanted his disciples 2 understand who they were following dat he is d ressurrection and d life, he also wanted d name of God 2 be glorified through dat, and 2 nullified their belief dat when one dies his spirit will be hovering around d scene of his death from d 1st day of his death to d 3rd day as a result, he has d chances of rising from d death , but on d 4th day he will depart 4eva and will no more rise, so Jesus came on d 4th day to prove them wrong, b4 i conclude, i want to make it clear dat @ times we can xperience some delay as a result of ignorance, as well as doing d right thing @ d wrong time, so, belovest pals and brethren, dat delay u are xperiencing in getting admission, gud job, ur dream child life partner and other essential things u are dreaming of, has a purpose, so , open ur eyez u may see d purpose, do u have any arguement........?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 09:07:56 +0000

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