EVERY SITUATION HAS A LIMITED TIME Since the fall of man, LIFE has - TopicsExpress


EVERY SITUATION HAS A LIMITED TIME Since the fall of man, LIFE has become more and more demanding. Famine, material concerns, family issues, marriage problems, illness, all of these things are subjects that demand solutions in order to live a sound life. Troubles come unexpected, unsolicited; Nobody ought to have one kind of a trouble over the other! However, these troubles are our lot in life. No one may escape from life issues or say, “I don’t have any “life issue” to resolve. Unless you were not born on this earth, where everything is subject to time and space, then you are free from troubles. The bible says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19”. Strong faith is commonly exercised with diverse temptations, that it may be found to praise, honour, and glorify God. Our troubles come from all directions and are as many and as tantalizing as the flies of the hot season spoil the cuisine, more than ever when having a braai or roasting in an open area. Trouble and affliction are what we have all reason to expect in this world. Man is born in sin, and therefore born to trouble. The rules of life game do not allow us to give life a try, howsoever; your play has an impact and can be very costly for the future, that why we have to be cautious in the way we lead our lives, the things we say and the people we hang with, and very often, the decisions we make every day. Let see for example how confession has weight in our lives; even so, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it takes credit for great things. How much wood may be lighted by a very little fire! The tongue can affect our lives positively only if we guard it, but men who never tamed this organ as a whole it will be like an unresting evil, full of the poison of death and do its evil work in the world. Our troubles come from all directions; we have to be cautious of what comes out of our mouths, and the way we lead our steps. Troubles are to be expected; every day “brings its own cares”, not “take care of itself.” As we move throughout our daily routines, often we contemplate our troubles that we face. Every now and then, those troubles are so devastating that it looks as if there is absolutely no way to withstand the squall. Take the trouble of the day as it comes, and to anticipate is only to double them. Do not run for cover or give up when troubles strike. Accept that it occurred, so that you can move on. Deal with it with a tenacity that is unsurpassed and will not accept failure. Everyone has the need to be able to resolve troubles, whether it be in their personal or professional lives. So, confront your troubles now! Serve God to-day with the strength you used to expend in carrying troubles which you borrowed from the future, and God will order the affairs of to-morrow. (TFG 260) We read in the daily news; nation rises against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there are earthquakes in various places, and famines; these things are the first of the troubles. They are forces against us, so we must expect to endure such Persecution. We face many challenges, bizarre and serious in nature, heavy and profound in measure, but God’s love is more powerful, and His last word momentous. He is a wonder-working God; He will set us free from all troubles. Apostle Paul listed the trials he had endured in his service for Christ. Some of these trials are recorded in the book of Acts. His trials where so numerous: he would experience yet further problems and sorrows for the cause of Christ. Paul made many voyages in going from Jerusalem to Tarsus, and to Antioch, and to various parts of Asia Minor, and to Cyprus. Here he gives a catalog of his sufferings and services: “Are they servants of Christ? –I speak as a fool– I am more so; I have had more experience of hard work, of prisons, of blows more than measure, of death. Five times the Jews gave me forty blows but one. Three times I was whipped with rods, once I was stoned, three times the ship I was in came to destruction at sea, a night and a day I have been in the water; In frequent travels, in dangers on rivers, in dangers from outlaws, in dangers from my countrymen, in dangers from the Gentiles, in dangers in the town, in dangers in the waste land, in dangers at sea, in dangers among false brothers; In hard work and weariness, in frequent watching, going without food and drink, cold and in need of clothing.” 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. The trials and sorrows we experience for Christ’s sake build our character, demonstrate our faith, and prepare us for further service to the Lord. Even money with all its influences cannot resolve issues of life. Its power is limited. Money cannot bring happiness, or cause rain. It will never buy total deliverance. Whether with money or not, there are always issues to confront…
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 08:19:23 +0000

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