EVERYBODY HAS ONE! By Gary Price in GHOST-WRITER (Files) - TopicsExpress


EVERYBODY HAS ONE! By Gary Price in GHOST-WRITER (Files) Whether it is based on your personal beliefs, values, background, or even experiences, we all have our own opinions about things we deal with on a daily basis. To break it down quite simply, an opinion is a subjective belief and usually the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. And let me be the first to say here that opinions are never right or wrong, but merely figments of what each of us may believe to be true in one way or another. In today’s society, we all express our own opinions in the many dealings we have in our personal interactions with others. I will notice that on occasion, an individual’s opinion fall victim to violent attack, solely on the basis that someone else’s opinion differs from theirs. There is really no justification for this and absolutely no basis for it. I respect others opinions whether they match mine or are totally opposite from them. I learn from others in this respect and try to understand how they come to the conclusions that they do. And though, at times, I may sharply disagree with some, I take the extra step to try and learn exactly what it is I am disagreeing with in the first place. Beneficial indeed, as I have actually changed my own opinion in regards to this process! We will deal with arrogant fools and downright fanatics constantly in life that are just so set in their ways that change is not an option. In my opinion, that makes us the wiser of the group for respecting, learning and trying to understand the opinions of others. I am grateful for opinions shared here, though some may be more superficial than others; I am benefited by the thought processes that eventually are born from them. To attack or attempt to silence the opinion of others is just another example of ignorance we deal with daily. Do not, by any means, let the ignorance of others deter you from expressing your opinion! If you do, it will only deprive you and others from an opportunity to learn more or gain additional information and knowledge in our trek forward as we continue our journey to find answers. And that my friend is just my opinion! ~Gary~
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 23:26:36 +0000

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