EVERYONE MUST PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES! If your family budget - TopicsExpress


EVERYONE MUST PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES! If your family budget is composed so that the money you make covers your expenses,and your spouse or significant other decides to hold back on what they give,that does not eliminate your obligations,the bills still have to be payed!And so it is with our government.When wealthy individuals decide that they arent going to pay taxes because of tax loopholes,or reduced rates for capital gains,or the other myriad schemes that have been devised for them to avoid paying taxes,the government must still pay its debt obligations.And in order for them to do this,that money has to come from somewhere,which is disproportionately from the poor and middle class in the forms of cuts to entitlement programs and higher taxes on the middle class so that in essence the poor and the middle class are subsidizing the tax cuts to the rich.It is estimated that the government loses $162.7 billion every year from offshore tax loopholes used by corporations and the wealthy,and another$92 billion from the loopholes used to avoid taxes in this country in the current tax code.Business owners,investors and landlords are largely in control of what is reported to the government,unlike wage earners.That gives them opportunities to report less than their actual income,to charge part of their personal lifestyle to the business and to exaggerate business expenses.But instead of focusing on those with the most opportunities to cheat,the IRS continues to pour resources into the tax returns of wage earners,hunting for so-called detail cheating by people who overstate how much they put in the church collection plate,or paid in property taxes,or couples that both inadvertently caimed the EITC(earned income tax credit).Have you ever wondered how wealthy individuals and corporations in this country can make millions,and even billions of dollars and pay 0 taxes,but you cant get away with owing$10?It is time to reform the tax code,close the loopholes and collect the taxes from the wealthy that America desperately needs,instead of squeezing those that are already taxed to the max.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:28:23 +0000

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