EVIDENCE AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW : HISTORICAL LESSON – HOW A DEVELOPED, ADVANCE AND PROSPERIOUS (COMMERCIAL CENTER) ~ STATE OF SABA (*) WAS TURNED INTO WASTE LAND DUE TO UNGRATEFULNESS AND WRONG DOING – BAD GOVERNANCE OF ITS LEADER / PEOPLE; A LESSON FOR PATIENT, GRATEFUL BELIEVERS AND ALLAH IS WATCHFUL OF WHAT THE PEOPLE DO ~ 34 (57) : 15 TO 21 > “Indeed there was for Saba (Sheba) aforetime, a Evidence (sign, lesson, proof etc), In the land, were Jannatin’ - Two Gardens, on the right hand and on the left, It was said, ‘Eat of the Provisions (fruits) of your LORD, and Shakiru’ - Be Grateful (thankful) to HIM – Taiyyaibtun’ – A Fair (pure) Land and an Oft Forgiving LORD; - But they (its leaders / people) turned away (became materialists, atheists, polytheists, hypocrites, corrupts, sinful, bad governance), and WE send against them Sail’ Al’Arim – Flood from the Dam, and WE converted the two gardens producing bitter / rotten fruits, and tamarisks and some few Lote Trees (turning it into waste land); - Like this Jazahum’ – WE Requited them because of they were Al’kafaro’ – Ungrateful Rejecters, and Never do WE requite (punish) except those who are Ungrateful; - We placed between them and the town - WE had blessed (with favors), WE placed between them prominent places (commercial / trade centers), and Qadruna’ - WE made the Stages of Al’sahir – Journey Sayaru’ – Travel Short, Saying, ‘Travel Ameen’ – Safe for day and night; - But they said, ‘Our LORD ! Make the stages between our journey longer’, and They Zali’mu’ – Wronged themselves (criminal, sinners), So WE made them as Tales (History), and Marzqunahum’ - WE Dispersed (divided them, etc) and Mumazk’ – Scattered them totally (state / people were broken into pieces, disunited), Verily, in this are indeed - Evidences (signs, lessons, proofs etc) for every Sabur’ Shakir’un – Patient (steadfast), Grateful; - Indeed, Iblis (bad leader) did prove true his thought about them (to mislead), and They followed him (in crime /sin), all except a group of True Believers; -But he (Iblis, bad leader) had no authority over them, except – WE might test him who believes in the Hereafter (Day of Accountability, Judgment), from him who is in doubt about it, and Your LORD is Hafiz’ – Watchful over everything (Knower, Witness)”. (*) Note : In AD 120,there was a State of Saba in Yemen; There was a Dam of Madrib whose water was canalled into the fertile land; There were Gardens on both sides of the canal; which gave ample fruits; the State also had a net work of roads and there were commercial / trade centers on the roads at short distances. (Brit Encolpia).
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:41:16 +0000

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