EVIDENCE AND CRIMINAL LAW : PERSON RECORD OF DEEDS, HUMAN BIOLOGY, IT VIGILANT WRITER / RECORDER ANGELS, REWARD TO RIGHTEOUS, PUNISHMENT TO CRIMINALS (SINNERS) AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ~ 82 (82) : 5 TO 19 > “(Then) a Person will know what Qadamath’ - He has sent forward and (What he has left or) Akhiratu’ - Kept back (deeds done and it’s the legacy, tradition left back in world) ; -O Human ! What Gharak’ - Made you Careless (seduced, stopped, doubt etc) about your LORD, MOST GENEROUS ? - WHO Khalak - Created you, Fasulak’ - Fashioned you (perfectly) Faadalak’ – Gave you Proportion (just bias, balance etc); - In whatever Suratin’ – Form (appearance, physique, mode, etc) HE willed, Rakabak’ - HE put you together; -Nay, But you Takazibun’ - Deny (reject, falsify etc) : Ad ‘Din – Judgment (accountability, truth, right, judiciousness etc); - But verily upon you are appointed La’hafizzeen’ – Vigilant (angels, witnesses, guards) to watch you; - Kiraman’ – Kind (honorable) Katibin’ – Notary (writers, recorders, - of your deeds); - Yamalum’ - They Know (see, hear, observe) what you do; - Verily, the Abrar – Righteous (pious, good, judicious etc) will be in Delight (bliss); - And the Fujjar’ – Wicked (criminals, sinners etc), will be in the Blazing Fire; - Therein they will enter, and taste its burning flame on Day of Accountability, Judgment; - And they will not be able to escape there from; - And what will make you know what the Day of Accountability, Judgment is ? - (It will be) the Day when No Person Tamalik’ – Shall have Power (strength, capability, authority etc - to do) Anything for Another, and Al’amr’ – Command (authority, power, decision, strength etc) will solely with ALLAH”.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 23:39:06 +0000

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