EVIDENCE , THAT WAS JUDAS WHOM DEAD ON THE CROSS : = > Therefore Judas s death is unknown , so Judas who died on the cross . One of the interesting topics in the discussions that exist in cyberspace is the difference between the story of Prophet Isa AS is in the Quran and the Jesus of the New Testament in the Bible . In the Quran , Prophet Isa AS mentioned not killed nor crucified , the Jews kill and crucify them actually is the one who likened the U.S. Isa ( An - Nisa : 157 ) . While the Bible New Testament , Jesus is reported killed on the cross by the Jews . Muslims convinced of the truth of Prophet Isa AS story because the story comes from the Quran that the word of God . While Christians consider the Quran has been one tells the story of the crucifixion of Jesus , because according to them , ranging from arrest , trial , torture , and crucifixion of Jesus was witnessed by many people . In addition, the Christian story of Jesus calling the U.S. in the Quran ( An - Nisa : 157 ) is a vile slander against Judas , although they consider a traitor Judas , specifically in this case to defend the Christian Judas . But unfortunately this sort of discussions more often end with mutual invective . Why does the Quran does not clearly mention the name of the person who called the Prophet Jesus likened to the U.S. ? Thats because God did not consider it so important that a person s name diserupakanNya with Prophet Isa AS . The main objective revelation of An - Nisa : 157 is only to refute the notion that the Jews had killed Jesus on the cross U.S. . The denial is very important , because the Jews thought that if a person who claims to be prophet , but can not escape from an assassination attempt , then the thus has proven he is not a prophet . Refutation of the Quran about the crucifixion and death of Prophet Isa AS / Jesus turns out to be not directly interfere with the basic teachings of Christianity about penance. Al - Quran and Hadith Sahih may not mention the name of the person who likened the Prophet Isa AS , but that does not mean we can not know at all . If you ask me , who is likened to the Prophet Isa AS ? So I ll answer honestly , Judas ! Why ? because recently I have found the earliest evidence of a New Testament Bible and also an explanation of a popular Christian website that can support the truth of the Quran about likened someone up like Jesus and was crucified . Below are some of the contents of the article I quoted the popular Christian sites ; * Matthew 27:5 So he threw the money into the temple and went out and hanged himself . * Acts 1:18 - Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity , and he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines gushed out . Although the description of the death of Judas Luke full bloodied , Acts 1:18 would not be a problem if Matthew did not write the story that seems to be different . According to Matthew , And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple , and went and hanged himself ( Matthew 27:5 ) . Matthew says that the high priests used the money to buy the potters field cemetery to be used as a foreigner . Did two statements regarding the death of this man different ? Obviously that . Matthew and Luke have a different purpose in telling the story . Matthew is more interested in the purchase of the land , because it is regarded as the fulfillment of Scripture . He combined the Book of Zechariah 11:12-13 ( thirty pieces of silver and crockery ) with Jeremiah 32:6-12 ( buying land ) , plus perhaps Jeremiah 18:1-4 ( go to the potters house ) , and then associate all of them with the name prophets are already well known . Although connecting some reading by words or even the same word endings ( treasure and pot has a similar sound in Hebrew ) is something that is foreign to the modern reader , a habit of this sort of interpretation is a good thing that the Jewish people . Matthew actually more interested in explaining the relationship between silver , the temple and the land , not the way the death of Judas . Acts have other interests , that Judas experienced what is appropriate , ie terrible death . ( A similar situation was reported in Acts 12:21-24 , which tells of the death of King Herod wrote Agrippa I. ) The emphasis is not the purchase of the land ( which will appear as a gift , especially for Jews who feel that having land in Palestine is the important thing ) , but the terrible death of Judas in the land. Matthew explains that the suicide was caused by guilt and made with the most popular way is to hang themselves . In Jewish literature , suicide is very often associated with a sense of embarrassment or failure ( see 2 Samuel 17:23 ; compare with some other stories about suicide in the history of the Old Testament , which is generally done to avoid more embarrassing death ) . However , since committed suicide by hanging himself usually do ( at least by the poor ) by jumping from the tree and tie the neck with a rope , it is not possible ( nor is it uncommon in India at the present time ) the body will be torn apart during the event . I feel free to say that this is what actually happened , but of course this is a plausible explanation . Christian writers mention that Matthew and Luke have different purposes in writing the death of Judas . Matthew is more interested in the purchase of the land , because it is regarded as the fulfillment of Scripture . While Luke has other interests , that Judas should experience what is appropriate , ie violent death . From here , we can actually already know that the real Matthew or Luke did not write about the death of Judas in accordance with what really happened to Judas after he betrayed Jesus . Matthew and Luke simply write about the death of Judas in accordance with the goals they want . Matthew wrote the story of the death of Judas in order to coincide with the Bible Old Testament Book of Zechariah 11:12-13 , Jeremiah 32:6-12 , and Jeremiah 18:1-4 and Luke chose to write a proper death for a traitor like Judas and also connect with the book of Psalms . They were like two children who heard her story before bed , but before the evil in the story receives the results of his evil deeds , mother story ends . With free fabricate , both the child s mother then continued the story is lost and end of life of the evil in their dreams . The story may not be the same , but it still has the same essence in seeing how the devil should get a reply . A child might write hanged himself because of evil sorry for doing evil , other children prefer the evil dead with ripped abs , if you added one more child born two thousand years ago , I m sure he would choose the evil will be punished with at cross . Similarly, Matthew and Luke , not much different from what is done by the children above . Therefore Judas s death is unknown , so Judas was the one who died on the cross . , Matthew and Luke tried to write freely , to figure out what is going and should have happened to an evil as Judas . Although the story is not the same , the core of the story remains the same Matthew and Luke , the violent death to the traitor Judas as a punishment from God . From here , we ve been able to connect with the verses of the Quran . In the Quran , the U.S. Isa / Jesus was saved by God with an unusual way , namely by Judas resemblance to similar U.S. Isa / Jesus , the crucified Judas who thought they had crucified Jesus , although ultimately raised doubts anyway . Along with the crucifixion scene would be lost anyway traitor Judas figure . No one saw him alive after the incident , but did not find his grave . Matthew and Luke then writes the death of Judas matches what they expect to happen to a traitor like Judas . Matthew writes remorseful Judas died tragically self mengantung , while Luke chose terminate Judas live with ripped abs . How to die on the cross ? Died on the cross was actually appropriate for a traitor like Judas , because dead is dead crucified condemned and crucified the death of Judas Iscariot is a real death . Note : There you should know , the Book of Acts 1:18-19 which became one of the verses of the discussion here was not the original verse , but a translator initial insertion of the Book of Acts . This is seen clearly as Acts 1:18-19 located in parentheses , as you can read in the NIV version and the other versions older . Translator likelihood of finding the death of Judas in the Gospel .
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 02:33:21 +0000

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