EVIL STALKS THE LAND - - FACT FINDING REPORT INTO THE RIOTS OF MUZAFFARNAGAR FACT FINDING TEAM MEMBERS ABHISHEK PRATAP SINGH, LAW STUDENT ARMA ANSARI- FILM MAKER BHASHA SINGH-JOURNALIST FARHAN HABIB- LAW STUDENT GAYATRI – HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER JYOTINDER - LAW STUDENT MANAN TRIVEDI- SOCIAL ACTIVIST MANISHA BHALLA- JOURNALIST MANSI SHARMA- SOCIAL ACTIVIST NASEEM ANWAR- LAWYER NEELAM KHOLIYA- LAW STUDENT NAUSHAD AHMED KHAN- LAWYER & HUMAN RIGHT ACTIVIST PUNIT SHARMA- LAW STUDENT RAMZAN CHOWDHRY- LAWYER SHABNAM HASHMI- SOCIAL ACTIVIST SHIV SHANKAR- SOCIAL ACTIVIST SHASHI- LAW STUDENT SHRADDHA- LAW STUDENT SURENDER- PHOTOGRAPHER VEERANJEET KAUR- LAW STUDENT ANHAD C-5, NIZAMUDDIN WEST BASEMENT, NEW DELHI-110013 A team of 24 activists, journalists, lawyers and students visited several relief camps and villages in Muzaffarnagar, Shamli and Ghaziabad districts of Uttar Pradesh on September 22 - 23 September, 2013. We met hundreds of victims, scores of relief camp committee members; spoke to people in general on the dhabas and in mohallas. We spoke to policemen on the roads, at various police stations. All our efforts to meet the Muzaffarnagar DM failed. We called the DM atleast 5-6 times, sent him several sms messages, called his office but he was unavailable. Then Shabnam Hashmi called the Home Secretary, UP Mr RM Srivastava and asked him to help us meet the DM. Home Secretary was extremely rude. He said you go and do your fact finding. When it was mentioned that meeting the authorities and getting the official version was part of the fact finding, he said DM cannot make himself available according to your time. DM is busy in arranging relief and looking after Law and Order. The Home secretary was told that we have been calling him for a couple of days and sent several messages, he could at least respond or his office sends a reply. The home secretary said- I have no time to talk to you, I have other important work and call me in office hours only. The next in line was Chief Secretary, who never picked up the phone. It was only much later, while visiting the Lisarh village did we realise that why the administration wants to keep away all „ trouble makers‟. There is a lot which the UP police and administration would like to hide and push under the carpet. Unfortunately truth cannot be buried for ever and it has started coming out despite all efforts by majority of the media, barring a few exceptions, to portray a very different version of the situation on the ground. What we are presenting here is a small glimpse of the reality, it will require at least a month to collect testimonies and study the depth of the tragedy before one can present a comprehensive report. The present report is the outcome of a visit by a team of 24, intellectuals, social activists, lawyers and media persons. The team had visited riot-hit areas of Uttar Pradesh. It had met the victims, spent time in camps, met local leaders, civil society activists, important persons and political leaders, belonging to both Hindu and Muslim communities. The team extensively video recorded the visuals and horrifying stories as narrated by the victims. The team members recorded the eyewitness heart rendering descriptions extreme violence that the victims had to face. However, the major concern of the team members was to find out what lead to this extreme, intense widespread violence. What were the methods used for creating the hatred among the communities and enlarging the already existing communal fault lines, which led to these barbaric attacks. Which community was on the receiving end of the ferocity that was unleashed. What are the long-term effects of these riots. Nothing Happens Suddenly A case is being made out that the recent riots in Western Uttar Pradesh, erupted abruptly and unexpectedly. A minor incident of accident (or eve teasing) sparked the riot and everybody including the, bureaucracy, security agencies, the police structure, political parties and leadership, State and the Central Governments were caught unaware. This report, based on the evidence collected and an account of witnesses recorded, probe this aspect and comes to a conclusion that the stark reality is otherwise. The writing on the wall was loud and clear, preparation for a large-scale violent eruption was on for quite some time. The blue print for organising had been prepared, implemented and tested in Gujarat and Orissa. Meticulous Planning In parts of Western Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand, Sangh Parivar has been active for quite some time. In fact it had increased its activities during the past two years. Very large gatherings, RSS camps and procession have been organised in this area during this period. Evidence shows that systematic effort to recruit unemployed youth, especially from Jat community and local goons were being made, successfully, by the various Sangh Parivar outfits. The heightened activity to recruit and communalise the mind could be traced back to 2010. In the seventies and eighties western UP was a hotbed of communal clashes, but these were mostly and urban phenomena. However, this area had not witnessed large- scale riots for quite some time and even after the demolition of Babri Masjid, Sangh Parivar could not mobilise people for large-scale violence. After the 2002 carnage of Gujarat, the strategy of Sangh Parivar has changed. They had worked in small growing town and the effort was to take the violence to the villages. It is evident that the preparations for the engineering riots, entered into a new phase about eight months ago. About 10-15 young men were recruited by the Sangh Parivar in each town and village and were deputed to spread hate. Systematic and organised, incidents of eve-teasing had increased many folds. The method was simple, use skull caps to eve tease a Hindu woman and wear Kalawa while eve teasing a Muslim girl in a Burka. The anger against this escalation prepared the grounds for spreading notion of „love jihad‟ by Sangh Parivar in a highly male chauvinistic society, a campaign, which made the two communities suspicious of each other. Every, instance where a Hindu Girl was found talking to a Muslim boy was publicised and seen as an invasion. This method had been successfully used in Gujarat before 2002 carnage. About eight months back BJP organised a rally, which was led by Umesh Mallik (Candidate MLA, BJP) and Sanjeev Buliyan (a builder), where after delivering hate speeches, Trishuls were distributed. In March 2012, RSS praised Modi and criticized UP BJP for having the lack of inspirational leadership in Uttar Pradesh. This followed by visit of Vinod Jain, a self proclaimed member of „Modi Army‟ who interacted with more than 2 lakh people in UP. In Lisarh, on June 5, 2012, a 24 year Hindu girl eloped with a 16 year old Muslim boy. The incident was used to increase the communal tension. The communal violence was engineered which resulted in displacement of Muslims and Provential Armed Constabulary had to be deployed. However, the BJP kept the temperature of hate furnace on and organised a Khap Panchayat where hate speeches were made and subsequently Trishules were distributed. The police arrested 15 people for the crimes committed during the violence. Such incidents continued to be used for organising meeting where hate speeches were made, low potential violence was perpetrated and Muslims were targeted for isolated attacks. For example, beard of Mufti of Jasad was forcibly shaved and Mufti of Dhuledi was dragged out of bus and beaten in broad daylight. On March 2013, another in consequential incident was converted into an ugly clash. A child set Holika on fire a day before it was destined to be lit. Immediately a Mosque was attacked, the Imam was beaten up, Quraan was burnt. Fearing violence the Muslims ran away leaving their homes. Subsequently, FIR was registered, 30 BJP goons were arrested out of which 3 were booked under NSA. The arrested were henchmen of Hukum Singh, a local MLA of BJP. The appointed Sangh workers in each village and town kept hunting for incidents that could be used to fuel the furnace of hate. On June 2, 2013 a Hindu girl from Haridwar came to Shamli with a Muslim boy and stayed in a hotel. The BJP vigilante got the news and put the charge that the girl has been raped by Muslim boys. Within no time Hukum Singh and Suresh Rana collected their BJP supporters and a crowed of thousand odd hoodlums surrounded the local police stations. The rampage started, shops of Muslims were looted. Police resorted to lathi charge. In the following month RSS campaign entered into the next phase. The local leaders of BJP lead by Hukum Singh, Suresh Rana and Bhartendu, started attacking Muslim, men women in markets, on roads and bus stops. At many places Muslims were dragged out of buses and trains and beaten up. Mosques were attacked. The area of operation/violence was enlarged to Muzaffarnagar and Saharan Pur. July 2, 2013 was the time when BJP was ready for a bigger mobilisation. A Mahapanchayat was held at RKPG Inter College, Shamli. Four thousand Hindus participated and demanded that all the cases against Hukum Singh, Suresh Rana and Bhartendu should be withdrawn unconditionally. This is the time when Amit Shah, right hand of Narendra Modi, a major architect of carnage 2002 and an encounter specialist who had been sent to UP for organising riots held a meeting in Lucknow and distribute huge amount of money to fund the riots in Western UP. This meeting among others was attended by Umesh Malik, Sanjeev Baliyan,Hukum Singh, Sangeet Som, Suresh Rana and Kapil Aggarwal. Umesh Malik went to Baroda, Gujarat one and a half months ago and stayed there for two days. Team could not find out so far about his exact nature of visit and whether he met Amit Shah or Narendra Modi during this visit. An innocuous incident where an altercation took place between two children at Shah Pur, on 21st August, was converted into full blown communal riot. The police held Umesh Mallik as responsible, he was arrested along with 14 others. 155 persons were booked by the police. The same person, Umesh Mallik along with Sanjeev Baliyan and Hukum Singh, on 24 August, 2013 had engineered a riot at MiranPur. August 27, 2013 incident has been extensively covered by the media. The testimonies taken from Sachin and Gaurav‟s families (father, uncle, mother, sisters) bore many discrepancies and different versions were given to us of the same incident by different members of the family. However, it should be noted that the initial stories of eve teasing, which were taken as truth by the media proved to be wrong. It was an altercation which turned violent which saw the unfortunate murders of three young lives. Murder of Shahnawaz was followed by murder of Sachin and Gaurav. The rumour churning RSS-BJP combine came into action and prepared for a large-scale violence. On 3rd and 4th of August, people fearing organise riot, witnessed distribution of provisions among Hindu localities of dayanand nagar and other colonies in Shamli. This was in preparation for the likely curfew that follow a riot. It was reported to CO of Shamli. The Maha Panchayat of 5th September 2013 was organised by RSS-BJP combine. Vinod Pramukh conducted the proceedings. Baba Harkishan and Baba Sitaram of VHP and Vijendra – a Sangh worker and relative of Sachin and Gaurav were also present there. This panchayat gave a call to attend a panchayat which to be organised on 7th September 2013. People were openly instructed to come armed. On 6th September 2013 at Khalapar a Muslim congregation, after Namaz was addressed by Qadir Rana (MLA, BSP), Rashid Siddiqui (of SP), Mursalin (MLA, BSP), Shahidul Azam (former Minister, Congress and Maulana Nazeer delivered communal and hate speeches. They gave a call for final war with impunity. A call on the other side of the communal fence was given for Maha Panchayat. The date had been fixed for September 7, 2013. DGP, UP, who happens to be a close relative of Hukum Singh came to the venue a day before, that is on 6th September. He used an official helicopter of UP government. Despite prohibitory orders on 28th August 2012 proclaimed by the administration at Nagla Mandor and in the district Shamli, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Ghaziabad and Saharanpur. about 100 thousand people were allowed to assemble. Many of them were armed as was requested by BJP-RSS combine. The slogans that were used by the coming crowed were highly provocative and communal. For example „Musalmano Ka eik hi sthan, Pakistan ya qabristan (for Muslims there is only one option Pakistan or graveyard), Modi Lao Desh Bachao (Bring NarendraModi Save the Nation), Tumne do Ko mara hai ham sau katwe marenge (you have killed two Hindus we will kill 100 Muslims). Fearing an attack Muslims started collecting in Madarsa and Mosques. During the Mahapanchayat, the leaders spitted venom against Muslims. A fake video was used to raise the temperatures. The same was circulated, by the BJP and RSS workers in the form of MMS and CDS. It was uploaded on the social Media as well. Sangeet Som (BJP MLA) was the first to upload the video on his social networking site account. A Muslim Driver Insar r/o Kandhla was killed by the participant of the panchayat. Soon IBN stinger was killed and the news was flashed. The crowed that was returning was charged with hate and a desire to kill, loot and rape. The rumour mongers of BJP- RSS combine had a field day. For example, it was spread that Hindus returning on tractors were attacked and about 200 were killed brutally and 16 tractors were burnt by Muslims and thrown in the Jolly canal. The team could not meet any one who could narrate eyewitness account, but saw only two tractors, which were burnt. The other tractors looked old and rusted which were brought to the police station to show the numbers and even the compensation was given to the owners. The FIRs at Police station Bhopa show that actually there are 7 casualties out of which 3 are Hindus ( Sohanbeer, Ajay, Brijpal) and 4 are Muslims ( Nazar Mohd Salman, Latafat and Mohd Nazim). It is clear that the mob returning from the Maha Khap Panchayat killed four passer byes who as seen from the FIR are not from the village, which according to the rumours had attacked them. Even the FIRs have not been lodged under the appropriate sections of the laws. A clear bias of the administration and connivance with the Sangh is blatantly visible. On the same day a car No DL 3C AF 6264, white indica was attacked and the police has done no investigation or is hiding the facts. There are no whereabouts of the persons who were in the car. The posting of the SHO Mr Vijay Singh was done on 18th September 2013, who was transferred from Police Training Centre, Gorakhpur. The timing of the posting is questionable. The violence and rumours forced people to leave their house and run for safe places. Houses were burnt, people (Mostly Muslims) were killed, women were raped and religious places were attacked. The administration was a mute spectator, during this well-conceived, methodically organised and meticulously executed communal riot. The attacks were meticulously planned. All villages that were attacked had 5-10% and in some cases fewer than 15% Muslim populations. Most of the Muslims who were attacked were poor barring few exceptions. They belonged to teli, faqir, jogi, lohar, julahe, dhobi communities. There were some who were ansaris and quraishis. Many were farm labourers, brick clin workers. No village where the Muslims were 25-30% or more was attacked. . The communal forces are marching on, trampling the constitution of the country, and the secular for their short- term objectives are either mute or play a defensive politics. Not ready to take the problem of fascist communal agenda head on, the secular are losing grounds inch by inch. Strategically, the RSS parivar is focusing on large- scale dislocation and migration of minorities. The Gujarat experiment has shown that this dislocation gives them long-term political benefits. Using this methodology, the fear psychosis among both the majority community and minority community could be instilled for a much longer duration compared to other methods which they used in the past. Symptoms of a riot appear much before brutal violence starts. The administration either failed to see the signals or actively connived to let them happen.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 16:11:49 +0000

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