EVIL-UTION THE LIE EXPOSED.. This ties in with todays day text - TopicsExpress


EVIL-UTION THE LIE EXPOSED.. This ties in with todays day text and the post I did a few days ago on creation or evil-lution, about the beauty in the design of a Cheetah. Yet most scientists are in total denial and would never give any credit to a creator but would rather believe in a big bang theory than to admit to the intelligence that exists behind each unique creation. Yet the Bible says that each kind comes after its own kind, when have you ever seen half cat half monkey? Its impossible yet, Jehovah explained this to us thousands of years before Darwins rediculous theory. Yet unknown to many these believers in evolution do believe there is a creator, this theory has been a concept which has been hidden over the past century, its a clever satanic twist in the evolutionary theory which is just finally coming to light, and this is because it serves satans purpose. The evolutionary theory doesnt just stop at ape becoming man, they are now teaching that man has now arrived at the next stage of his evolutionary process, where he will now evolve to god. Yes it is shocking, but this is what is being taught and this is what they themselves believe. Its the same recylcled garbage that caused our first parents down fall in the Garden of Eden. When the serpent said you can be just like god knowing good and bad. So satan has cleverly reintroduced this wicked bare faced lie into the theory of evolution. Behind the evolutionists are is the New Age movement, many people view the New Age movement as hippy, smoking, flower power eccentrics, yet nothing could be further from the truth. They are the spiritual advisors behind the United Nations, they are the ones behind the changes in our childrens education, they are behind the infiltration of eastern forms of spiritism into christianity and the rest of the world. They are slowly indoctrinating mankind to believe that they themselves are god, that we are all part of everything the trees, the plants the universe, and that we were seeded by Aliens who are supposedly an evolved form of ourselves. They believe that we are all one universal consciousness, and to evolve to the next phase even quicker we need to meditate, chant, and take part in this new evolving form of spirituality which is being promoted everywhere. This is what is also known in christendom as the New Emerging Church movement where eastern philosophies are being introduced into the church as the new end time revival of the holy spirit through meditation and yoga. Hence why we see the Pope visiting these Buddhist temples. They believe we have entered another stage in humanity, we are leaving the Christian era behind, and we are entering a new Aquarian age, where man will be god. This is what that 1970s song was about The Age of Aquarius it was preparing us for the New world order. What they sadly dont tell the masses, is that only the elite themselves believe that they can acheive this god head, while the rest they intend to fool with their peace agenda and depopulation extermination plan, which ties in with the Bibles prophesy of the great apostacy, peace and security and the great tribulation. Some in Christendom are aware that this is happening and are dissolusioned with Christianity, there are so many opportunities right now to reach them with the real truth about Jehovahs kingdom and his promises for the paradise to come.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:10:06 +0000

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