EX IRS AGENT ADMITS TARGETING. SAYS IRS BIGGEST FRAUD OF ALL WOW...just wow.... Over the last two years we have seen the targeting of Christian and Tea Party Organizations by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Even when caught red-handed, and forced to admit that the Obama Administration targeted Conservative groups, their dear IRS Head Administrator Louis Lerner plead the 5th Amendment. So what happens when an IRS Agent on the fast track to the top comes out and admits to targeting sections of the Country? What happens when the ex employee says the IRS is the “Biggest fraud of all”? They sent her to jail for four years. Sherry Peel Jackson was a rising star in the IRS. She went from an entrance employee, to an executive fast track program in a record pace. But then something happened. She found the evidence that every one was talking about on the targeting by President Obama’s administration on the Conservative groups and anyone that did not agree with the IRS. She ended up hitting the national spotlight by coming forward on things that she should have been protected under the federal whistle-blower and employee laws. Instead the IRS blocked and suppressed her evidence at every turn, and “rewarded” her honesty by giving her a four-year sentence for speaking out against the very agency she worked for. She was wrongfully accused of not paying her taxes and locked away for tax evasion. Now that she is free, instead of ending the fight against her innocence and wrongful sentence, the brave and intelligent woman speaks out about the corruption in the IRS and the government agencies. You can hear this patriot speak out on the very subjects and bravely make a stand here. freepatriot.org/2013/10/14/ex-irs-agent-admits-targeting-says-irs-biggest-fraud/?fb_source=pubv1 https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Q8VOPEQX8GE
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:32:24 +0000

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