EXCELLENT ARTICLE ON A MALWARE THAT COULD SHUT DOWN OUR COMPUTERS..PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME... Cross-platform virus spreading as Microsoft expands MAPP program "As security vendors report on a new, nasty cross-platform modification to an old virus, making it able to infect 64-bit and 32-bit files, Microsoft beefs up and expands its MAPP program. ESET Research warned that an old virus, dubbed Expiro, has learned new cross-platform infection tricks. It is "able to infect 32-bit and 64-bit files (also, 64-bit files can be infected by an infected 32-bit file)," making "the range of potential victims almost universal." Expiro, sometimes also called Xpiro, aims to: maximize profit and infects executable files on local, removable and network drives. As for the payload, this malware installs extensions for the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. The malware also steals stored certificates and passwords from Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook, and from the FTP client FileZilla. Browser extensions are used to redirect the user to a malicious URL, as well as to hijack confidential information, such as account credentials or information about online banking. The virus disables some services on the compromised computer, including Windows Defender and Security Center (Windows Security Center), and can also terminate processes" https://community.webroot/t5/Security-Industry-News/Cross-platform-virus-spreading-as-Microsoft-expands-MAPP-program/m-p/51888#M2032
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 20:37:53 +0000

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