EXCELLENT TALK - WHY AUSTERITY & PRIVATIZATION KILL Welcome 2015 with a revolutionary talk - Dr David Stuckler demonstrates the lies of governements worldwide about privatization towards an international financial elite & austerity/cuts killing the most vulnerable -> both destroy basic assets of public welfare, investment and productivity. Stuckler, who combines public health and economic data, is a great edu-tainer. Expect political awakening for democratic assets, resources, investments as some of his conclusions for policies based in detailed analyses of surveys. Data and political strategies from several countries are presented KISS- and powerful. Just mind-boggling that Joseph Stiglitz has been publishing strictly analoguous data and results from restructuring-programmes over 15 years now! - O yes, elitist international capitalism IS organized (finance, insurance, media, IMF, TTIP in the making, etc) ... and they do lie and betray the people (95% or more)... having bought media, sponsored and pressurized governments and, of course, shaping economic policies as advisors or politicians in an ongoing carroussel of top-dog-job-shifts within finance and power elitism all around the world. https://youtube/watch?v=EkfsCZZraoo
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:14:10 +0000

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