EXCERPT ;-) If there is no 2016 U.S. Presidential candidate - TopicsExpress


EXCERPT ;-) If there is no 2016 U.S. Presidential candidate willing to openly run on this platform, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre shall run for U.S. President on this platform until a qualified candidate steps forward.[1] My more detailed U.S. Presidential Platform is set out in the following 27-page paper: “Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram: Suggested Policies”. The USA 2016 President must restore the original 1789 constitution and protect the rights of children against pedophiles. A White Hat in the White House WATCH ON YOU TUBE Alfred Lambremont Webre exposes USA INC and planned dollar collapse https://youtube/watch?v=yk4e7ZpIrkM&feature=youtu.be BLAINE, WA – NewsInsideOut has revealed a number of significant truths about the 2016 U.S. Presidential that the mainstream media is committed to hide. We have projected that the Positive Timeline may result in the election in 2016 of a Positive US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification: newsinsideout/2014/12/positive-timeline-positive-2016-us-president-contrary-matrix-time-travel-pre-identification/ It is vital that a Positive, White Hat (non-Shadow government) U.S. President be elected in 2016, and that as a candidate openly commit to restore the original 1789 constitution and not permit pedophile/child sacrifice activities in any part of the US government, black budget or otherwise. Expert: USA will receive BRICS gold only when original US constitution is restored newsinsideout/2014/12/expert-usa-will-receive-brics-gold-constitution-restored/ Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice. The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks by Alfred Lambremont Webre newsinsideout/2014/12/investigator-cia-pope-john-paul-ii-bush-sr-jr-billhillary-clinton-ritual-child-sacrifice/ If there is no 2016 U.S. Presidential candidate willing to openly run on this platform, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre shall run for U.S. President on this platform until a qualified candidate steps forward.[1] My more detailed U.S. Presidential Platform is set out in the following 27-page paper: “Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram: Suggested Policies”. You can go to the following website and read my policies: positivefuture.info Truth Platform #1 The USA 2016 President must restore the original 1789 constitution. The American people will only receive BRICS/Legal provenance gold when the original USA constitution is restored.[2] I am grateful for The Anti Corruption Society preparing a specially edited 14-minute video of my interview “Attorney Alfred Webre exposes USA INC and planned dollar collapse” (above). Their “Lawfully Yours: The People’s Empowerment Guide to Corporate-Commercial Legal System” is an excellent resource for individuals to liberate themselves from the oppression of the occupied state.[3] As NewsInsideOut reported, the expected BRICS gold currency may be a BRICS checkmate for the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency with “Petrodollar status.”[4] [ED.NOTE- We question whether Putin is part of the intentional $USdollar financial collapse and targeting of the USA people. CBC ran a good investigative program showing that Putin has $40 billion hidden personal net worth. All dissidence against Putinism is harshly dealt with in Russia. Therefore Putin is NWO “Controlled Opposition” and BRICS is part of the Hegelian dialectic ultimately. We as Sovereign individuals and souls are the source of any grants to any state, structure, or entity of legitimacy and authority, and not the other way around. BRICS is an intermediary structure. The world Sovereignty transformation is the Positive Future, IMHO. VIDEO: Alfred Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 U$dollar collapse into Sovereignty, BRICS Golden Age newsinsideout/2015/01/alfred-webre-positive-timeline-transforms-planned-2015-dollar-collapse-sovereignty-brics-golden-age/ ] Rafapal indicated that the BRICS gold, which consists in part of the Dragon family gold and Yamashita’s gold, is intended by China and Russia, the visionary architects of the BRICS monetary system, to be released to the peoples of the world as a public benefit. The one exception, he stated, was the United States. The USA and the American people would receive BRICS gold only when the original constitution for the United Stated of America, which was secretly replaced in 1871 by a 2nd constitution of the United States of America Corporation, had been restored. Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was illegally suspended in favor of a Vatican “Crown” corporation in 1871 Paul W. Kincaid of Presscore.ca has published a comprehensive article on the constitutional fraud of the 1871 2nd constitution. CONTINUE READING ARTICLE AT: The USA 2016 President must restore the original 1789 constitution and protect the rights of children against pedophiles. A White Hat in the White House newsinsideout/2015/01/usa-2016-president-must-restore-original-1789-constitution-protect-rights-children-pedophiles-white-hat-white-house/
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:43:00 +0000

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