EXCERPT 2 FROM THE BOOK .....At the time when some of our leaders - TopicsExpress


EXCERPT 2 FROM THE BOOK .....At the time when some of our leaders were being released, South Africa was highly topical and we started feeling like celebrities as our respective local media sought us out in response. Whether you were in Halifax, Fredericton, Montreal or Toronto, South African students were interviewed and their opinions received considerable publicity. When the ANC was unbanned we engineered massive demonstrations in various towns in support of our movement. From 1990 up till 1994 we were successful in sensitising and mobilising Canadian people to an unprecedented scale of support. Even small towns had groups of people (mostly Canadians) more than willing to carry the ANC banner calling for free and fair elections. The sweet result of all that effort was for me and my wife to be able to vote for our government, even if it was in a foreign land. During that period (1990 to1995) three occasions will always stand out for me and made me feel special. The build-up to the possible release of Nelson Mandela was the first occasion. My fellow students, mostly Canadians, decided to crash in at my apartment just before the time of his release. It was their way of showing solidarity with me. They wanted to be with me to observe the moment. When Mandela stepped out of the gate at Victor Verster prison, I could not help but break out into tears. My Canadian friends followed suit. The second occasion was when the Sisulus visited Canada. They were to be hosted by friends of the ANC in Toronto, but the little solidarity group we established in New Brunswick wanted the Sisulus to come to our university as well. I was part of the delegation that met with the president of the university to impress upon the university council that they needed to extend an invitation to Walter and Albertina Sisulu to visit our university as well. This was supported and I was then instructed to liaise with the ANC in Toronto to make it happen, something I did with much pride of course. Plans were then set in motion to receive the two VIPs. We were included in the itinerary of the two comrades. They visited the university with comrade Walter delivering a memorable speech that most students loved. Lastly, April 1994 was magical. I was an instant celebrity when I was one of the few in Fredericton whose arrangement to vote was prepared for at the High Court in town. Coming out of the voting site with all the cameras of the local press flashing and being interview for TV, was something that will stay with me forever.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:38:57 +0000

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