EXCERPT FROM AN ONLINE INTERFAITH DISCUSSION “PATOIS, In Jewish usage Israel refers to the Jewish people. “Noahide” refers to non-Jews who worship the God of Israel. In Jewish tradition God revealed six commandments(categories of morals and law) through Adam. After the flood a seventh was added. These seven commandments given to Noah are a “covenant” (natural law) for the good of all mankind. Noah’s descendants failed to properly transmit them. Ten generations after Noah, God taught these same seven commandments to Abraham. Torah (written and oral) revealed to Moses includes a restatement of the Noahide commandments as well as laws specific to Israel. Establishing a just legal system is one of the seven categories of universal law and constitutes a point of commonality between all nations on the most fundamental level of human existence. The Jews and their teachers “sit in Moses seat” as the “authorized custodians” of God’s Law. (Matthew 23:2) Paul produced the world most quoted list of Noahide laws. There are many other Gospel references. Throughout the ages, scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as …universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept in international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental rights for all. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. Chicago IL, 1991, “Noahide Laws”. I won’t comment on your statement that “The Mosaic Covenant was only added to it to make the Jews aware of their sinful condition.” I prefer to stick with a point of commonality, working toward a guarantee of fundamental rights for all.”
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:09:22 +0000

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