EXCERPT FROM THE PROSECUTION NEVER RESTS In Re Exodus 12:29-30 & - TopicsExpress


EXCERPT FROM THE PROSECUTION NEVER RESTS In Re Exodus 12:29-30 & Chapter 1: Punishing the innocent for the sins of the guilty - The utter indifference to human suffering from its supposed Creator and heavenly Father of Mercy was shown in the opening exhibits in its finest form. This Almighty inhumanity is further demonstrated in the Second Book of Moses (aka Exodus) in the 10th and final plague where God shows the stubborn Pharaoh once and for all that he really means business by sending his personal Angel of Death to slaughter all firstborn Egyptians (primarily innocent babies and children) in premeditated, cold blood. Exodus 12:29-30: At midnight the LORD slaughtered all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on the throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of the cattle ... and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was one not dead. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY, reflect on these verses, there are very clearly and intrinsically incompatible, utterly and irrefutably irreconcilable with the Christian boast of a heavenly Father of infinite love, compassion, justice, and mercy. Moreover, in what way is Gods behavior here less monstrous or less murderous then Herods Massacre of the Innocents? As a plea of mitigation, Christian defenders try to get God off the hook by submitting the argument that Pharaoh was a bad ruler, and so therefore deserved to be punished. Well, in that case, if Pharaoh was a bad ruler, then that shouldnt provide a priori justification for God to condemn to death all firstborn Egyptians, who, as helpless subjects to a tyrant, had no say or part in Pharaohs decision, and had no say and no part in oppressing the Israelites. The modern equivalent of this absurd reasoning would be for the (then) American President George W. Bush (pre-March 2003) to have condemned to death all firstborn Iraqis because of Sadaam Husseins brutal repression against the Kurds of northern Iraq. No court in any civilized country would be allowed to act on such a principle; and the judge who would endorse it, or favor a law, or principle, which punishes the innocent for the sins of the guilty, would be ruled off the bench at once.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:27:19 +0000

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