EXCERPT MONDAY! This is where I am at the moment with my editing. - TopicsExpress


EXCERPT MONDAY! This is where I am at the moment with my editing. Have I said how much I love Gabriel? *** Mila turned and walked quickly for the door, but as her hand encircled the doorknob, Gabriel said her name hoarsely. She didn’t turn to face him, but the sorrow in his voice stopped her in her tracks. After a long, tense moment, he whispered, “Please. Look at me.” When Mila reluctantly turned, Gabriel slowly crossed the room. Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched him move closer, and when he stood in front of her, Mila leaned back against the door for support. The intensity in his eyes was like nothing she had ever seen before and when Gabriel planted one hand on the door beside her head, he leaned in close to her. She watched his face swimming with emotion and then the mood shifted when he slipped his other arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his hard body. Mila’s breath left her in a rush and she thought she would to die from the frantic beating in her chest. Gabriel stared down at her parted lips, hunger burning in his eyes. Mila nearly panted from the heat their bodies radiated and she stood helpless in his hard embrace. She couldn’t pull up any anger to deny him even if she wanted to. Instead, she shook with anticipation with his mouth hovering so close to hers. “Gabriel,” she said breathlessly. “What?” he rasped, his warm breath bathing her in his delicious scent, sending pulsing heat straight to her core. “Please.” she whimpered. A faint groan slipped from his throat as he claimed her mouth with a hot kiss. Flames went crawling through her, licking all along the inside of her skin, threatening to consume her. She melted into him, her body molding to his so easily. Mila’s hands bravely explored his hard body as he took her away from reality and into a world where only the two of them existed. Their hands moved possessively over each other. Their tongues dueled and then caressed. They moved so well together, molding to one another so perfectly that they seemed to be one. Mila felt bereft when Gabriel pulled his mouth from hers but the feeling instantly eased when he moved to trail flaming kisses down her throat. Her head fell back and she tried to breathe, to get air into her burning lungs before she passed out. When Gabriel rid her of her shirt, his hands slid up her ribs possessively and he lowered his head to swirl his hot tongue over the swell of her breasts. He cupped the gentle weights in his big hands before he closed his mouth over one hardened tip right through her bra. Mila’s body truly woke for the first time and when Gabriel gently took the hard peak between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue, she gasped, tightening her fingers in his hair. “Gabriel!” “What?” he mumbled against her. “Please,” she pleaded, not caring that she sounded so needy. She felt empty and needed him to fill her. Gabriel lifted his head and the look in his eyes would have been frightening had he been anyone else, because at the moment he looked as if he wanted to devour her. ***
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 17:53:41 +0000

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