EXCERPT With Nick listening intently, Jerry Rubin began to - TopicsExpress


EXCERPT With Nick listening intently, Jerry Rubin began to explain. “After World War 2, the allied superpowers, Britain, France, and the USA still claimed a lot of ‘colonies.’ The sun still hadn’t set on the British Empire, and the USA had the Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and far out places such as Guam and Samoa, can you dig it?” “Yes,” answered Nick. Jerry continued. “The French, too, had a worldwide empire which extended from French Guiana to the coastal areas of China, then called French Indochina. The problem started in September 1945 just after WW 11. An Indochinese guerilla leader who fought against Japan, Ho Chi Minh, listened to all the talk about democracy and declared a new independent country. He called it Vietnam. Nick, are with me?” “Yes, keep talking Jerry.” “Ho tried to negotiate an end to the French occupation, but the French responded by bombing Haiphong harbor killing close to six thousand civilians. That wasn’t very nice, however, the French were our friends, and so we felt honor bound not to like Ho. Moreover, Ho also had leftist leanings that didn’t sit well with paranoid conservative political whores whose hero at the time was the red baiting, rabid anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy. The French and Ho’s Army were exchanging blows until 1954 when at Dein Bein Phu, Ho’s Army kicked ass. The French pulled up stakes and left for home, and that’s when it should have ended. .” READ MORE Barnes & Noble Stores. Amazon. Here on Facebook A Few Good Books Publishing
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 01:04:53 +0000

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