EXCERPT from THE VALENTINE PROPHECIES. God said, “… By - TopicsExpress


EXCERPT from THE VALENTINE PROPHECIES. God said, “… By sending you this letter of correction and by telling you what is wrong and how to make it right by following my Spirit, I have commenced a new season of restoration, of revolution amongst my children in my kingdom so that, together, you will obediently submit to the transformation of the Spirit and go back to the way it was, back to the way of Christ, taught by Jesus the man, and his disciples, apostles, and evangelists. This letter of mine is to the children of the end of the end times. The time is short, so you must hurry with the Spirit, but the time is right. There is much to be done but, with my power, much can be done very quickly. When I have one unified church, my Son will have command of one army in his kingdom. The whole world will notice the new Spirit in my church—my Spirit. Everyone on the planet will see and know that unity has come to Christianity; the impossible has happened—the church is worshiping and working as one body under one head—Christ. The poor and the downtrodden will praise me for there will be help for them, the impact of which this world has never known. The fields are ripe but so are the churches. You and every one of my believing children can know how to hear me clearly. I have called many of you for many years through my Spirit, but you have not heard. Ask me for spiritual sensitivity so that you may hear me clearly and know, with confidence, that it is me. I need you to listen to me and obey. I need you to respond to my calling. Whether to labor for me in my church, or in the surrounding community, or far away in the fields of my kingdom, if I am calling you, I need you to hear me and obey. The first century was amazing. It was not a perfect church because there were some who couldn’t or wouldn’t listen. But, there were many who did hear me and did obey and, because many did hear me and obeyed my calling on their life, the church of the first century turned their world upside down. It was done by my power, by God power—not man power. I got them excited. They were working as one with me. Your church traditions are like bad habits. I sympathize because I know bad habits are hard to break. The devil is using your bad habits and your traditions, passed down to you from your fathers, to hold you back from working with me to make the biggest, positive change on this planet that the world has ever seen or known—a change that will have the whole world talking. Many in the world will envy, be jealous of, despise and resent the church as it rises by my power. Some of my children will struggle with envy and jealousy within my church, as I make choices and call some who others do not approve of. You must control your weaknesses and sinful nature so my Spirit may work within and about you, so that my kingdom may be blessed and not hindered by you. The world will accuse the church and fear its meteoric rise, but there will be great rejoicing worldwide, as orphans and widows are fed, as children learn to read, as small businesses are established to dignify the poor, as slaves are freed, as the good news of the gospel of Christ is preached to the poor, and as many marvel at the new courage and generosity of my saints the world over. This will be a time never seen since the first century. The bride of Christ, Christ’s church, awakens from her slumber, washes her robes, and prepares herself for the arrival of her Groom, the Christ, to join him at the wedding feast. I am preparing you. Today I am calling you to be part of the preparation and purification of my Son’s bride—his church. Beginning with you, today, I command the bride to awaken! Satan is busy in your life. He wants to destroy everything you love. He wants to destroy you and deactivate you, because you have such potential to bring me glory, if you will listen, if you will change. … How can you let me control you if you cannot control yourself? How can you be obedient to me, if you cannot be obedient to yourself? … Alone you cannot do anything to change and bring me glory; but by my power you bring me glory. Yet you must get serious—be determined to follow me, be committed to changing and obeying. Fill your mind with my Word, my Scriptures, every day, so that you may grow to have the mind of Christ. … No one else will arrive like my Christ. If anyone tries to tell you that they are the Christ, or that the Christ has arrived, and invites you to come and see, do not believe them because it is a lie. Christ will return just as it is written and you will need no one to tell you he has come. Many will be fooled by the devil and his servants because they do not know what my Scriptures say, or because they do not believe that my Scriptures are my Word. I have warned you in advance so that you will not be fooled and cheated out of your reward. … You are an indispensable part of church oneness because every part of the body must be connected and joined to the head, Christ, for the church to respond as one being, as one bride. Join me, listen to my Spirit, and be one with me. … I love you all, always!”
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 00:30:20 +0000

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