* * * * * * * EXCERPT taken from The OM - TopicsExpress


* * * * * * * EXCERPT taken from The OM BOOK. The Book of Books – The Book of Truth = = = ME ENAMORO DE TI (RICHI E POVERI), senshimilla youtube/watch?v=t4pPiN-RmgU The newly, and for the last time given, un-falsified, form of the OM text should bring the Earth human peace, stillness, love, truth, knowledge, logic, wisdom, and righteousness, and therefore the text of the words of the truth should finally, and for all times, be preserved and adhered to, true to its form in truth. This is the sense and the will of everyone, who has troubled around the occurrence of the OM, therewith the Earth human can live in his paradise, on the blue planet of the SOL- system, named the Earth. Billy Meier The 7th Great Prophet of Truth FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = 3-WONDERFUL RECOMMENDATIONS DELIVERED TO TERRESTRIAL MANKIND BY BILLY MEIER, Source: forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/11685.html?1303739550 • REDUCE THE HUMAN POPULATION THROUGH A RADICAL BIRTHRATE CHECK. • USE THE EARTHS UNDERGROUND HEAT FOR PRODUCING HEATING AND ENERGY (= DIRECTLY USE OUR PLANETS INNER CORES HEAT WHICH IS ABUNDENTLY AVAILABLE AND CAN BE USED WITHOUT ANY HARMFUL CONSEQUENCES). • DEVELOP POWERFUL, SMALL (LITHIUM BASED?) BATTERIES FOR ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN VEHICLES. THE OM BOOK. Canon 32:58 Through the falling and accumulation of individual water drops, a jug fills slowly. The same law applies for the learning of the truth and wisdom and the knowledge. 247. The unrighteous person torments and kills his fellowmen through punishment, but the wise person is mild and forbearing, and therefore patient, however always admonishing to the fallible and guilty, therefore he is the stricter. 314. If there are no mighty ones, rather only spirit leaders among the people, then the human of the Earth lives inwardly and outwardly in true paradise. 315. If there are no spirit leaders who lead the people, then the people would be thrown to and fro like a ship in a great storm of the ocean, and the mighty would have complete power over them. THE OM BOOK. Canon 3:3 This is the book of the laws and directives of Creation, laid out and explained with understandable words. 4. This is the book of knowledge of the Creational laws and directives, as it is given in words and sense through the JHWH and the prophets of the Earthly humankind. THE OM BOOK. Canon 8:4 In the beginning was the egg-form of the Creation spiral, brought forth through the idea of the original Creation. 5. The Creation spiral was spiritual original-form, tiny, and only the size of a flea. 6. But in the spiral rotated and pulsed the spirit energy form of the emerging Creation, forceful and willed towards expanding. 7. The energy form grew and became a balled power and exploded in blazing lightning fire. 8. A *Zohar between the countless universes of the absolute space….(*In the Talmud Jmmanuel, Zohar is defined as, the radiant splendor of spiritual-Creational energy.) THE OM BOOK. Canon 20:38 The Earth human’s sense of effort towards seeking the truth has disappeared. He has lost the inclination to seek the truth through his inherent power of thinking, searching and recognizing. 39. Therefore he has wandered into the erroneous form of thinking, that he will only accept as true that which he can touch with his hands and that he can see with his eyes and that he can hear with his ears. 40. But this is the false, purely material way, which mocks and scorns any effort of self-thinking, self-feeling, self-searching, self-seeking and self-recognition of every solution and truth. 41. Therefore through this, the way to the searching for the truth, and the finding of the truth, is not provided. And so, through the JHWH and the Prophets, no signs, or only sparse signs, should be given, that testify to the truth. 42. The word of truth is given, and this is wholly sufficient to reveal the teaching of the truth for any who are willing to make and to bear the effort of learning through their own power. THE OM BOOK. Canon 20:94. The truth of the truthful knowledge was taught to the Earthly humankind since ancient times and already given to Adam. 95. The human races and peoples of Earth were provided prophets from ancient days, and for this reason were sent to Earth 1st. Prophet: Enoch (Henok) and, 2nd. Prophet: Elijah (Elja), 3rd. Prophet: Isaiah (Jesaja), 4th. Prophet: Jeremiah (Jeremja), 5th. Prophet: Jmmanuel and 6th. Prophet: Mohammed 7th. Prophet: Billy (BEAM) ...in direct succession and with ensuing rebirth, next to... Johannes and Elijas and Hjob ...and all hosts of other upstanding and righteous ones, as they also were Buddha, Zoroaster and Babatschi And others. 96. They were all selected and led and sent partly through the JHWH and partly through themselves and in knowledge and ability as prophets or spirit leaders to the humankind and peoples of the Earth, yet all were slandered and persecuted and their teachings and their words of truth were falsified in lack of understanding or hate, and so wrongly-leading and false religions and sects have come into being. THE OM BOOK. Canon 48:17 The spiritual human sees in the creational Creation not only the pleasant and useful, the great and the beautiful. 18. No, because he finds, in the eternal and wonderful play of nature, a self-manifestation of Creation for his fragment of Creational spirit in himself. THE OM BOOK. Canon 49:4 The real spiritually-striving one is a noble artist. 5. Tender spirit, gentle nature, full of love, knowledge, wisdom and great sense, he has the highest sensitivity for truth, balance, beauty and spiritual progress. 6. His life is controlled, refined and exalted, and his perspectives are very far. 7. His entire sense is magnanimous, and beauty expresses itself in his plain life, full of spiritual dignity. 8. His inner stillness brings a beauty that no artist can paint and no poet may describe in words. THE OM BOOK. Canon 44:34 But the prophets recognised the truth that the Creation is unifying in all and that it pulls in front no kind of race as something special, nor does it pay attention to a nationality. THE OM BOOK. Canon 20:164 And do not despise the old and not the young, and not the injured on the body, and do not despise the neighbor who speaks another language or who has another skin colour, because every human is equivalent to the other, which ever kind or race he also always is, and whether he is old or young, yellow, black, or brown or white, or red or blue, and whether he is a child, a woman or man, and whether he is an enemy or friend, or righteous, unrighteous, knowledgeable or ignorant. THE OM BOOK. Canon 53:26 Who will not comprehend the truth with his understanding, but only with his belief, can not harvest the fruit from it. THE OM BOOK. Canon 13:3 And so speaks the JHWH: “Truly those who recognise the book of the words of the truth, as such, know it as they know their own child. 4. But any which do not recognize the truth of the words, they ruin their life, and they are unrighteous and liars in the matter of life. THE OM BOOK. Canon 20:95 And therefore you lie and dispute that the text of the words of the truth in the current time, the new time, are sent down another time to the human of the Earth. And truly you do this because you are imprisoned through your false teaching that you name religion. Billy The 7th Great Prophet of Truth! The Prophet of New Time! *GOBLET OF TRUTH* In the *Goblet of Truth* there it says: Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of Creation. The *Goblet of Truth* will wake you, not to the bane – but to the boon. Semjase Silver Star Center, 13 July 2008, 3:21 a.m. Billy Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM ) The 7th . Great Prophet of Truth! The Prophet of the New Age ! FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = The Billy Meier mission, writings and wisdom are fully supported and spread over world-wide by: Mr. Javier V. Maldonado Alliance for responsible humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! Telephone (0051) 9970-24-006, LIMA-PERÚ. javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail FIGU.org, Billy Meier, Switzerland; theyfly, Michael Horn, USA. futureofmankind.co.uk/billy_meier/goblet_of_truth steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:20:32 +0000

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