EXCERPTS FROM THIS PAST SUNDAY SERMON CHRIST HARVRST CHURCH. 20/10/2013 Sermon Title: What is your motive? Scriptural Reference: Matthew 6:1-7 What drives your actions as a believer? Each one of us is driven or fueled by something. BEHIND EVERY ACTION, THERE IS A REASON….a reason that can be referred to as motives….. It is not wrong to have motives but what’s important is that your motives are righteously in line with God’s word. God blesses/rewards people by their motives and not by their actions. Your motives must not contradict the will of God for a particular situation. Please also understand that Motives does not contradict spirituality, as a matter of fact it is an aspect of spirituality……the God that we serve never does anything without a motive. HE SENT HIS SON TO THIS WORLD WITH A MOTIVE OF RECONCILING THE WORLD BACK TO HIM. Rationality or what you can call motives is an aspect of Godliness….There is nothing evil about motives as long as it s in line with the will of God. 7 things you need to understand about motives. (1) Your actions are driven by something The under listed are some of the wrong things that drives many people a) Money. b) Power. c) The need for Recognition. d) The need for acceptance. e) The need to be loved. f) The need to be seen 2) Motives are vary : People’s actions can be the similar but their motives vary. Do not quickly assume that what drives you is what is driving others. You can be doing the same thing but with different motives. 3) Motives are subject to change. Do not assume that what drives someone 3 years ago is what is still driving him today. People’s motives of doing things changes with time. So it is very important for us as believers to constantly evaluate our motives whether they are still in line with God’s purpose. iv) Motives are in compartments: by this we mean that what drives some people in one aspect of their life may not be the same thing that is driving them in another area of their life. Some people may be driven by the will of God when it comes to their marital life but when it comes to their career, they are been driven by something else… (v) Motives can be concealed: the intention of doing something can be disguised or hidden…..someone may portrayed himself as doing something for Godly reasons whereas her original motives of doing those things is selfish or different from what he claimed. (vi) Motive can be mixed: the motive behind someone’s action can be more than one……some people can join a church for more than one reason, some people want to serve God but still want to fulfill the lust of the flesh…..some people want to be active in the kingdom and still be a regular visitor at a Gambling club. NOW LET US DEAL WITH SPECIFICS, WE ARE GOING TO BE LOOKING AT WHAT MOTIVATES OUR GIVING. The motives behind our giving. 1. Why do we give what we give? 2. Why do we give when we give? 3. Why do we give how we give? What motivates our giving? Philippians 4:19; Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:8-10; 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 The above scriptures admonish us to give. Those who give with the right motives never suffer lack divine provision. SINCERE GIVERS NEVER LACK. 5 things that motivate people to give that prevent their blessings. (a) Because of people (not from the heart): they allow what other gave to influence their giving. (b) Fear of not wanting to lose their blessing: God doesn’t want you to give out of fear; He wants you to give out of love. (c) To obtain position or to buy the face of the leadership for favour/preferential treatments. (d) People give for competitive reasons: To make a statement or to prove a point to others. (e) People give for territorial reasons: To Mark their territory, to claim ownership of a place or of a person e.g their pastor. 5 Godly motives that must influence your giving (a) The love of God: you give to prove your love for God. (you give to worship and to show how much you love God) (b) Your future: your seed has the power to secure an enviable future for you. (c) Your generation: consider your offspring’s; you can give to secure a better future for them, Abraham did that for His generation….. (d) Your security and protection from the wickedness of this world: the devil doesn’t like what makes you happy. (e) To avert a curse from your life & lineage: 2 Samuel 24:23-25 PLEASE GRAB YOURSELF A COPY OF THE AUDIO CD FOR A DETAILED EXPLANATION OF THIS THOUGHT PROVOKING MESSAGE. JESUS IS LORD CHC ROCKS!!!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:52:11 +0000

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