EXCLUSIVE!!! MUGABE FINALLY CAPITULATES *Agrees to go *Chaos over who takes over *Unsure about methodology By Itai Dzamara HARARE PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has capitulated to massive pressure from all angles and now indicated that he is planning to step down soon. The News Leader can exclusively reveal that Mugabes anticipated move has sparked both anxiety and chaos within Zanu PF, over the battle to take over from him. Mugabe keeps worsening the situation by not at all hinting on any individual he would want to succeed him between two front runners, Joice Mujuru and Emmerson Mnangagwa. If anything, the failed veteran politician further complicates the tense situation by giving the impression of wanting his wife Grace to take over. Three different sources have revealed and confirmed two key things to us. First, Mugabe has promised and assured close international allies that he is stepping down, and, there are profound movements as well as anticipations based on that. Secondly, top leaders in Zanu PF rival factions are aware of what a top source described as, high possibility of Mugabe stepping down, and are entangled in a bitter fight towards taking over. China, Russia and other international players have relentlessly been pressing Mugabe to step down, and making it clear to him that he has become the albatross to Zimbabwes chances of economic recovery. The News Leader revealed two months ago just after Mugabe had returned from China, that the Asian giant had openly told Mugabe to step down. China, like Russia later on, denied Mugabe the urgent financial rescue package he desperately sought, but rather made it clear that he had to step down for them to avail funds to Zimbabwe. Both economic giants took Mugabe down the garden path by signing a couple of investment deals, largely for the future. He (Mugabe) has come to realise that there is consensus within the international community, including his very close allies, that he must go, an impeccable source said. The source added that China and Russia deftly applied pressure on Mugabe and both made it clear that they have money to help Zimbabwe out of the crisis but wont assist unless there is political stability, order and direction. The News Leader can also reveal that other players from the west, notably the European Union, have made similar calls to Mugabe, again applying the carrot and stick strategy - of stating that they could only avail financial aid if Mugabe solved his and the national political crisis, specifically that he must go. We heard from a top diplomat based in Harare, that whispers and drops of leakages from Mugabes inner circle suggest that he is ready to go - although even his closest allies seem to have learnt to wait until it happens. Yes, it is believed that he has agreed to go, but you find almost everyone waiting for it to happen and believe, the diplomat said. The national economy has continued to implode under Mugabes illegitimate regime, since last years rigged elections. Our investigations within and around Zanu PF show that Mugabes political future and anticipated looming decision to step down, have sparked tension and chaos. We heard from top sources that Mugabe is believed to have in the recent past, considered blocking the way for his deputy Joice Mujuru, and even actively plotted to do so. That created an impression of Mugabe probably prefering to pass on power to Justice minister Emmerson Mnangagwa. However, the past three weeks have seen a different story. Lately, Mugabe has been shocking everyone by openly backing the Mujuru faction while rebuking Mnangagwa and his camp, a top source said. We revealed two months ago that Mujuru had told Mugabe to step down and pave way for a new leader as the only way to solve the national crisis. Both the Mujuru and Mnangagwa factions have become seriously worried by what appears to be a plot to have Grace take over. Look, it is largely considered politically impractical but there she is (Grace) openly campaigning and making it clear she wants to take over, our source said. Mugabes spokesman George Charamba did not answer his mobile phone when we tried to seek his comment on Sunday and yesterday. Zanu PFs spokesman Rugare Gumbo tried to gloss over the deepening saga of Mugabes future and succession plan. There is not such issue and the president is not under pressure to step down. We are a party united under his leadership, Gumbo said. Graces plot and mission has become a scandal in Zanu PF. Sources say she is now openly lobbying and campaigning to take over from her husband. The last three months have seen a lot of developments involving Graces fast-track entrance and rise in politics - including the scandal of her being awarded a non-existent doctorate by the University of Zimbabwe last month. Sources say Grace is holding Mugabe to ransom and pushing her way towards the top, even without her husband fully agreeing. She (Grace) is resolved and wants to make sure she is well positioned before her husband leaves, a top source said. Another headache Mugabe is grappling with is on how he should handle and manage his departure from the helm of both Zanu PF and the country. Our investigations show that Mugabe has been battling to choose between stepping down at the Zanu PF congress in December, or next year. Sources say Mugabe could announce his decision at the congress and pave way for the party to choose a new leader, a scenario believed to likely result in virtual chaos caused by fights involving the Mujuru and Mnangagwa camps. Alternatively, Mugabe may remain as head of the party after congress, while planning to announce his decision early next year.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 04:56:18 +0000

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