EXCLUSIVE REPORT – WHY APC GOVERNORS, LEADERSHIP AND PRESIDENCY HAVE ALL JOINED THE AMOSUN MUST GO (AMG) CAMPAIGN – THE OBJ, OSOBA, ALAMIEYESEIGHA, NIYI ADEGBENRO, JONATHAN, ALIYU GUSAU CONNECTION. Ilese News Extra recently concluded a massive covert operation into the politicking of the All Progressive Congress, focusing particularly at the problems in the Centre and the high level politicking taking place in Ogun State. What follows is several months of painstaking investigation and revelation of the plots and counter-plots for the soul of Ogun State ahead of the February 2015 Governorship elections. APC National Leadership Crisis. Ilese News Extra can authoritatively reveal that the All Progressive Congress have called for an urgent high powered meeting this week in Abuja to discuss the issues threatening to tear it apart. Investigations have revealed that Gen. Buhari is on the verge of quitting the party; rumours have it that he may be joining an opposition party which has One (1) state governor in the South West but not the PDP he had previously stood against. Reasons emerged during the course of our investigation that Asiwaju Bola Tinubu may have withdrawn the constitution of the party submitted to the INEC shortly after the ACN agreed and signed a merger with the CPC, ANPP and a faction of APGA. It was also alleged that Tinubu solely printed the forms used during the registration exercise without recourse to other party leaders, a situation which they say should not happen in a supposed national party. The Northern caucus of the APC loyal to Buhari are very upset at how Tinubu decided to make a separate agreement with Atiku Abubakar for free and open congress to choose the party’s presidential candidate when he had already agreed at inception to make Buhari the Party’s Presidential flag bearer, it was some of these reasons and the lack of a clear party structure that led to the exit of heavy weights like Alhaji Shekarau to the PDP. It is expected that several members of the APC will decamp to other political parties shortly after the party’s congress. It is now an open secret that the APC is on the verge of destruction as predicted by Doyin Okupe, Presidential Spokesman to President Goodluck Jonathan. Our readers will recall Okupe saying that the APC is going to implode even before the 2015 elections. The CPC, Buhari’s party before the merger has been seriously short changed in the merger with the Presidential ticket likely to go to Atiku Abubakar at the congress, a choice that has not gone down well with former President Obasanjo. Ilese News Extra can authoritatively reveal that FOUR GOVERNORS PRESENTLY OF THE APC ARE LIKELY TO DECAMP TO THE PDP AFTER THE PARTY’S CONGRESS. Led by a Senator and former Governor of a Northern State, Ilese News Extra can reveal that certain high ranking members of the APC are already speaking and reporting to the Presidency on happenings in the APC, a situation that has further strengthened President Jonathan’s will to contest a 2nd term in office. Going by what was revealed to Ilese News Extra, President Goodluck Jonathan will win a landslide again in 2015 and several political elements fingered in the Boko Haram violence will be rounded up and dealt with in a way never seen before since Nigeria returned to democracy in 1999. There is also uproar in the APC in the South West region with the party re-strategizing and working round the clock to retain Ekiti State. Feelers inside the APC are now fazed with the reality that the party may lose its governorship seat in Ekiti State; the only positive is that Osun State is very much in their hands and will be retained for lack of a strong candidate in the opposition parties in the state. There are ongoing efforts to revive the party’s chances in Ekiti State which it will lose if elections were to hold today. Jonathan romances Akinrogun Osoba as Tinubu remains unsure of Osoba’s silence. Following his intention to contest a 2nd term as President, sources at the Presidency have confirmed that Jonathan is presently romancing former governor Osoba. Ilese News Extra has received information on good hand that the President has pledged support to Akinrogun Osoba because of his belief that Osoba, a former governor of Ogun State is not only popular but has what it takes to prosecute an win an election. Although we are told that Akinrogun Osoba continues to refuse these overtures from the Presidency, he has been told that the Presidency will support his candidate for State Governor so long as that candidate supports Goodluck Jonathan for 2nd term. President Jonathan has vowed to ensure he provides security in the state to ensure a free and fair election between all the parties, to forestall the incumbent rigging the election through the use of the state’s security apparatus. To drive home this point, the DCP Operations Ogun State and some other high ranking Police Officers in Ogun State have been transferred out of the state. The Ogun State Commissioner of Police was left untouched because his retirement is soon due and he would not be the CP in charge when the elections hold in February 2015. Ilese News Extra also discovered that the Ogun State CP is yet to answer the query slammed on him by the Inspector General of Police following the Wasimi incident that almost led to the assassination of Senator Obadara by thugs loyal to Governor Ibikunle Amosun, part of which led to the arrest of the NURTW State Chairman, Alhaji Adeosun aka JANGO. Akinrogun Osoba was heard to have told the President that as a true progressive, his loyalty will forever remain with his party until otherwise. Our readers will recall that during his recent tour of the South West States where he met with the Alaafin, Ooni of Ife amongst others, the President did not visit Ogun State, a state he considers already won at the next Presidential election following the negative reports and dwindling popularity of the APC, largely caused by Governor Ibikunle Amosun FCA. It is not particularly certain what will happen within the APC that will change Osoba’s loyalty but sources close to Asiwaju Bola Tinubu have told Ilese News Extra that the former governor of Lagos State and national leader of the APC is panicking following the uneasy calm and silence from Akinrogun Osoba. Tinubu is aware that Governor Ibikunle Amosun cannot win election in Ogun State without the support of Osoba, a situation which has given more credence to this fact is Governor Amosun’s inability to control majority members in the Ogun State House of Assembly following his inability to pass a N19billion loan request. Tinubu was quoted as saying “Kunle has eroded all the faith we won in Ogun State from the people following our victory in 2011, he can now no longer control even his House, so how will he win the election”. Some state governors have also told Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of the reports they have heard in Ogun State and how it will be impossible for the party to win the election in 2015 if it fields Governor Ibikunle Amosun. They told Tinubu how majority of the opposition parties, including some strong members of Ogun State APC are already working underground to ensure victory for opposition in Ogun State at the 2015 polls. The governors told Tinubu how the Presidency instructed these groups to accommodate Osoba if and when he decides to work with them. Asiwaju Tinubu was heard to have told Osoba that he was more than willing to shop for a consensus candidate with him, if he can be certain that Osoba’s structure will work with whoever was chosen. Tinubu later in a meeting told some friends (Baba Eto Odunbaku, Rauf Aregbesola amongst others) seated that the stories coming out of Ogun State was troubling giving that the party’s goodwill has now been mishandled by Governor Amosun’s treatment of party members in that state including never before seen financial recklessness. Tinubu told those seated how he has had to beg several Commissioners in the Ogun State government to remain following their attempted resignation; he begged them and told them that their actions may eventually bring down the Amosun government. Tinubu also told those seated how he personally called Two (2) strong members of the ACN who have now crossed over to the Labour Party, one of whom is a sitting member of OGHA and another nursing a governorship ambition, all these he said was to safe face and save the Amosun administration from crumbling, all to no avail. Tinubu was particularly repentant at this meeting and expressed eagerness to work with former governor Olusegun Osoba but for what he described as the latter’s closeness to Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, Gen Aliyu Gusau, Ibrahim Babangida and Sambo Dasuki. Alamieyeseigha is known to be the President’s political father while Gen Aliyu Gusau is touted as the next defence minister. Ilese News Extra gathered that Osoba’s silence over the happenings in the party in the state was a cause of worry for Tinubu. Although Osoba is sticking to his party and acting true to type as a loyal progressive, Ilese News Extra can reveal that Gen. Aliyu Gusau and Diepreye Alamieyeseigha have vowed to help Osoba restore his dignity and respect in the face of the tribulations he has undergone under the Amosun administration. Alamieyeseigha was quoted as saying “Chief, was it not you I saw rolling on the floor for close to 30 minutes in your white agbada at the palace of the Awujale in 2011 before he agreed to meet with Ibikunle Amosun? Why has he treated you like this? Are you willing to continue to let them trample on you in a state where you should be a kingmaker? Let us support you and you support us too and we will provide a political solution to the happenings in your state”. Investigations carried out by Ilese News Extra have revealed that apart from the contracts (via a major Chinese Contractor, HiTech etc) handed to Tinubu by Governor Amosun and other APC governors, Senator Remi Tinubu, wife of Bola Tinubu is also on Govenor Amosun’s payroll, she receives for some of her NGOs, the sum of N15million monthly. This is to ensure her husband does not look beyond Amosun for the APC Ogun State ticket. In a related development, the APC governors in the South West have also been advised to remit N5million monthly to Sade Tinubu, the new Iya Oloja. This is one of the many reasons why Ogun State is broke, the situation is so bad that some contractors have laid down tools and quit site while others are in the process of abandoning work. Amosun continues to lobby Osoba, the Adegbenro connection Governor Amosun sensing that the game may be up for him having used all the violence at his disposal resorted finally to lobby Akinrogun Osoba. Unlike most parties he had been, Governor Amosun has come to the realisation that the APC is rooted in elders’ controlling-culture that it becomes impossible to hijack the structure by force or through other dubious acts. To this effect, he approached Niyi Adegbenro and asked Adegbenro to plead on his behalf to Osoba. Adegbenro was upfront with Amosun as he told him in no uncertain terms that he Amosun had yet to bring the guarantor (member in good standing with the Party) which he was asked to bring by Asiwaju Tinubu and party elders. Adegbenro told him that even party elders like Anisulowo and Biyi Durojaiye who are close to him (Amosun) have refused to act as guarantor citing different reasons, a consequence of their knowledge of Amosun’s erratic behaviour and inability of being trusted. He reprimanded Amosun for lying to his loyalist and not telling them the truth on party directives. He cited the example of the party leadership’s decision to ensure that all candidates are ratified by Board of Trustee members in each state, with Osoba being the only BOT member from Ogun State; in this case, he failed to tell his loyalist the truth which caused many infractions within various wards in Ogun State. He told Amosun that for him to plead on his behalf before Osoba, that Amosun should go away and think about the possibility of taking only his governorship slot but should forget about the Senate seats, HoR seats and OGHA seats; that these positions are the sole duty of the party exco to divide. He told Amosun that he had seriously messed up because of the violence he committed and that it was an impossible mission he was sending him to do in front of Osoba because he knows that Osoba can never trust nor can he work with Amosun again, although he was willing to still try. He made it clear to Amosun that the feelers from Ogun East and Ogun West point to the fact that it would be lost to the opposition, that Yewa is for opposition and Awori is anti-Amosun but for Odunsi, Odeda was impossible to win because he is now hated there, Obafemi Owode can never be taken off of Olusegun Osoba, and even Abeokuta South is ‘hot’ for Amosun presently. He went on to tell him that Ifo is under Adeyemi and that Amosun can only poll 40% at the most there. Adegbenro conceded that although Amosun is strong in Abeokuta North and Ewekoro, that his chances in Ewekoro have diminished following his brother’s treatment of party members in Ewekoro even though Amosun confessed that he is not in good terms with his brother, following highhandedness by his brother, Alhaji Abidoye Amosun. He told Amosun how this has led to an increase in numbers of the Osoba group at his expense. He revealed to Amosun how most of the local government chairmen are now negotiating their political future with the Osoba group with most of the councillors hungry and fed up. He lashed at Amosun for first resorting to violence before asking former President Obasanjo to plead with Awujale and Alake to beg Osoba. Olusegun Obasanjo Connection Former President Obasanjo is secretly supporting Governor Amosun, his fellow Owu Kinsman. Our readers will recall how Obasanjo accused President Jonathan of carrying out anti party activities by supporting other candidates against the PDP candidates, a situation he (Obasanjo) is guilty of committing in Ogun State. It was Obasanjo who asked Awujale of Ijebuland and the Alake of Egbaland to call Governor Osoba and plead with him to accept Amosun as the party’s candidate for a second term. This is because Obasanjo himself being a PDP member must not be seen to be involved in APC matters and also because he (OBJ) and Osoba are not in good terms. However there is a twist in this matter, some Yoruba leaders are currently settling the issue between Obasanjo and Osoba and as such, the former President would not like to jeopardise this talks. To this effect and combined with the fact that he is still in the PDP, President Obasanjo has only agreed to secretly back Governor Amosun’s second term agenda. Ilese News Extra can reveal that Obasanjo who has no political worth in Ogun State and the South West will back Governor Amosun not only because they are both from Owu, but because Governor Amosun has given the Ota General several contracts amongst which was a recent Retreat of the Ogun State cabinet held at the Temperance Hotel of General Obasanjo were it was reported that the State government parted with several millions of Naira. This is amongst other contracts granted Obasanjo proxies by the Amosun government. Over-registration in APC with Ogun State the biggest culprit, registers more people than INEC register. Ilese News Extra can also reveal to its teeming readers that the delay in releasing the total registered members of the APC is because it had over registered people and animals during its recently concluded registration exercise. The party had registered numbers beyond the total numbers of registered voters in INEC list, an embarrassing situation that it is trying to remedy. Ogun State recorded the highest number of irregularities, with a total of about 10million registered members in a state that produced less than a million at the 2011 election. This has led to so much embarrassment that the party leadership has listed it as part of the agenda at it’s meeting this week slated for Abuja. It is not sure how it would trim the list without it affecting valid members since the fake names were not separated from the genuine ones. Conclusion It is now clear that the Amosun must Go (AMG) campaign has spread beyond Ogun State. The state is going to witness major plots and counterplots ahead of the 2015 elections with the interest it has generated from heavyweights who themselves are not from the state. It is a state the Jonathan team believe has already been won and there is continuous effort to woo Olusegun Osoba over, knowing very well that Osoba will not support Amosun under any circumstance. Except the APC leadership act swiftly to end the uneasy calm that has beset Ogun State APC in the last few weeks, it would have lost Ekiti and Ogun State by 2014 and 2015 respectively. The Amosun Must Go campaigners abound beyond Ogun State and in places as far as the seat of power in Asokoro. Ilese News Extra can now stick out its neck by making a call that Governor Ibikunle Amosun will be offered as collateral damage to salvage the fortunes of the party in the state. Tinubu’s ears are now filled with complaints from Nigerians all over about the state of affairs in Ogun State and it is certain that he wants to now work with Osoba with the aim of finding a consensus candidate in Ogun State. Ilese News Extra will keep you up to date as this unfolds. — at Adigbe Abeokuta.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:36:34 +0000

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