EXEMPLARY PAMPHLETS FOR DISTRIBUTION, if anyone would be - TopicsExpress


EXEMPLARY PAMPHLETS FOR DISTRIBUTION, if anyone would be interested (they all could be joined together as one): 1. WORLD WAR, COMMUNISM, PREPARE YOUR FOOD, ONE WORLD RELIGION- pamphlet: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAed1JXSGJjVm5Rbms/edit?usp=drive_web 2. ABOLITION OF YOUR RIGHTS WILL SOON COME ABOUT - pamphlet: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAeNUNHMENRWHBGWGs/edit?usp=drive_web 3. THE WARNING- brief overview AND SUMMARY: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAeY1pzamJtWkZkclU/edit?usp=drive_web 4. THE WARNING- ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE FLYER: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAedkgtQVpBUHZZQ1k/edit?usp=drive_web 5. TO BE PRINTED ON THE BACK OF THE WARNING FLYER (Messages about the Illumination of Conscience): https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAeX1BoNHotbkNtdTA/edit?usp=drive_web 6. THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAeQzNGTWstYXEyT1U/edit?usp=drive_web 7. BRIEFLY EXPLAINING THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD (to be printed on the back of the Seal): https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAeOWI1WkhKU0lwSDA/edit?usp=drive_web 8. THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAealZibmQwR1c0Tmc/edit?usp=drive_web 9. BRIEFLY ABOUT THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAecGVmdmFIVWtCOHM/edit?usp=drive_web 10. THE MOST HOLY ROSARY: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAeSjEzYjVNQURZVEE/edit?usp=drive_web 11. OUR LADY ABOUT THE HOLY ROSARY: https://docs.google/file/d/0Bxk_erCKlAAeZmFPZzNIbGdoRzA/edit?usp=drive_web
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:11:08 +0000

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