EXHIBIT: "Gustav Klutsis. The right to experiment" June 7 - Sept - TopicsExpress


EXHIBIT: "Gustav Klutsis. The right to experiment" June 7 - Sept 22 / Tretyakov Gallery "Gustav Gustavovich Klutsis (1895-1938) is the outstanding representative of the Russian avant-guarde, one of the founders of artistic photomontage and the master of political posters. G.Klutsis studied at K.Korovin’s and K.Malevich’s classes at the artistic workshop VKHUTEMAS (Higher Art and Technical Studios); he was one of the founders of the associations “The Left Front of Art” (LEF) and "October" (the group of poster artists) and cooperated with V.Mayakovsky. The exposition presents paintings and drawings, sketches of the famous tribunes for the orators, posters, designs of magazines’ covers and of leading articles in newspapers – all from the funds of the Tretyakov Gallery (which include the precious collection, donated to the museum in 1977 by a well-known collector of avant-guarde art G.Kostaki), from the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky in Moscow, and from the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI)." tretyakovgallery.ru/en/calendar/root5601724/root56017244127/
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 09:54:05 +0000

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