EXOPOLITICS, MARS COLONY AND NEW AGE BULLSHIT Posted by haukipesukone on 19/05/2014 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is allegedly the great-granddaughter of US president Dwight D. Eisenhower. She’s also an Intuitive Astrologist, Global Alchemist and Cosmic Mythologist. I just finished watching her conversation with Alfred Webre, who is somehow connected with Exopolitics. The video is called ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know. It’s also the biggest load of BULLSHIT I’ve heard in a long time. I don’t wanna be rude, but in the wide she’s just spouting every conspiracy theorist, Truth Movement or New Agey meme she can think of. It’s like a machine gun of verbal diarrhea. It’s quite disturbing to listen to. She mentions the grays, the Archons, Pleiadians, Project Paperclip, underground bases, false reality, consciousness… Almost every sentence she speaks has a couple of memes she mentions, but she never actually gives out any information that has substance. It’s not that the topics she’s mentioning, at least not all of them, are somehow crazy or wrong, but she’s acting like some sort of expert, when it’s quite obvious she is not. I wonder quite regularly whether ETs exist or not, what is the UFO phenomenon really about, what are the Archons and so on. That’s why I watched this video, but it sure as hell did nothing to help in enlightening me. I don’t quite know what the deal is with Ms Eisenhower. Is she just crazy, is she a professional disinformant, is she making it up just for money, is there some truth to what she’s spouting? Im pretty sure it’s not the last option, though. She supposedly has revealed some information about the alleged secret base on Mars that Andrew Basiago allegedly visited. Basiago at least seems somewhat sane when you see him talk, but I’m still not convinced by his claims. He also said that Obama has visited Mars. The most reasonable scenario to me is that this Mars base, a lot of the ET stuff and Laura Eisenhower’s mind are the result of some sort of government mind control operation. They feed all sort of nonsense into a person’s head and their mind tries to construct the nonsense into a story that seems meaningful. Sort of like if someone shows you a random set of images and asks you to make a story based on them. There was a duck, he lived in a house on a mountain, with three kittens. He used to farm octopi until one day Hitler… I doubt Laura is actually the great-granddaughter of Ike Eisenhower. I couldn’t find her on Wikipedia. Wikitree, a genealogy site, does not mention her. This is hardly proper proof of anything, but the burden of proof is really on her. I wouldn’t trust her to tell me what year it is. I feel sort of bad putting it this directly that I think Ms Eisenhower’s claims are not credible at all, but if something smells like bullshit no point sugar-coating it. Links: Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know: youtube/watch?v=OdfIuTm2VuM Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project: examiner/…/whistleblower-laura-magdalene-eis… Cosmic Gaia: cosmicgaia2012/about.html Eisenhower Wikitree: wikitree/genealogy/EISENHOWER Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has...
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:25:24 +0000

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