EXPERIENCE I have learnt so many lessons in the short time that - TopicsExpress


EXPERIENCE I have learnt so many lessons in the short time that i have spent on planet earth. I have learnt lessons from the experiences of others and i have also learnt from my own experiences. Many people say that experience makes us wiser people. It is not completely true. Some experiences break you so bad that gathering the pieces becomes an almost impossible task. Some experiences leave you scarred for life and some others leave you terrified of even your own shadow. Some people do not even live to tell their stories. Experience in my opinion is a terrible teacher. Why do you have to fall into a gutter first before realising that dancing at the edge of a gutter is dangerous? What if you break a leg during the fall? Many mindsets have become warped with this logic of experience being the best teacher. Once, I lived with a family, my little charge was playing with a candle, I tried to caution him, he did not listen and i tapped his hands with a pencil. He screamed and his mother came running out. She asked what happened and i told her that i tapped her sons fingers with a pencil for playing with a candle. I did not see that slap coming, i just felt myself go deaf even as i found myself on the floor a few meters away from her. She said i should have let him play with the candle as much as he wanted. I told her that the candle was lighted and the fire and wax could have harmed him. She said that experience is the best teacher. After that day, i never touched the boy again, not even with a long pole. I did not want another slap. A few weeks later, I left the house. Years went by and i heard nothing about this family and slowly forgot them. I got busy with School and other more important aspects. Five years later, I got a call from the woman. She said that she needed my help concerning her son. She told me that he was hospitalised and she had spent everything she possessed. I went to the hospital, i could not recognise the boy. His face, neck and arms were badly burnt. I wept. His mother said that he was playing with the gas cylinder and it exploded in his face. It was a miracle he did not die. He came to another level in the school of experience where he felt that since he got away with playing with a candle, he could do the same with playing with gas. Who knows how many other things he played with along the line? The boy survived, but he still carries those scars. They are permanent on his body. Instead of experience, let wisdom and wise counsel become your teachers, it will save you from saying plenty had i knowns. Why wait for experience to mark, maim or kill you? Get wisdom! Even the bible says that wisdom is profitable to direct! Yours Sincerely, Di Vine Chioma.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 17:26:08 +0000

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