EXPLOITING NEWTOWN, QUIET ABOUT CHICAGO VIOLENCE Gun violence is a serious problem. I won’t try and mitigate the loss of life that occurs in this country as anything but horrendous. However, while the media would have us believe that the causes of gun violence are the guns themselves, the fact remains that the instrument by which the ruthless and immoral wreak havoc on society is not the problem; gun violence is caused by a reckless disregard for human life by the attacker. But that’s not what the left says… The left frames the discussions surrounding gun control and gun rights as the result of what happens when society has too many guns and too few laws. Liberals have mercilessly pounced on victims of gun violence and their families to exploit tragedy. They have paraded the families of Newtown victims in front of the eager cameras and have pledged to restrict Constitutional rights to help prevent another mass shooting. But while they swear that they care about gun violence, the media and the left conspicuously glosses over the rampant bloodbath that occurs each week in cities with strict gun control. While Newtown was, without question, horrible and tragic, the left pretends that people aren’t being killed or injured in outrageously high numbers each week in Chicago. They don’t care about saving lives; they care about pushing an agenda. On Thursday, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy pledged to Newtown families in Connecticut, “We are never going to give up.” Connecticut’s Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal echoed that sentiment and claimed, “Our cause is unstoppable.” This weekend, Chicago erupted in violence and the Windy City saw the bloodiest weekend this year with seven murdered and 41 injured in gun-related crimes. Teenagers and kids were gunned down in the streets of the city that boasts of the strictest gun control laws in the country. … and the media is eerily quiet. The exploitative nature of the leftist gun-grabbers is to swarm upon grieving families to push an agenda that was in motion long before Newtown, before Aurora. The loss of life in any state is awful; but while anti-gun rights advocates crusade for stricter gun laws to “help prevent another Newtown,” Chicago shrugs as their decades-old, unconstitutional gun laws keep the criminals armed and the citizens vulnerable. If the left were truly concerned about gun violence, they would try to understand how people are being killed in a city that has strict gun control laws and consider the logical conclusion that gun control doesn’t work. Instead, gun-grabbers reveal their intentions by exploiting the high-profile victims.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:30:29 +0000

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