EXPLORING THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE PSALM 83 WAR AND EZEKIEL 38 AND 39. (Also included: ISAIAH 17.) With so much happening concerning events in the Middle East right now, and the current crises involving Russia [Gog/Magog], I felt it would be beneficial to offer a thread with a series of teachings upon this VERY PERTINENT BIBLE PROPHECY. (A.) What is the Psalm 83 War? Which countries are involved? Where does Isaiah 17 enter the picture? [Hint: Damascus, SYRIA, enters the scene IN Psalm 83 as Assur, the ancient name for Syria.] In what time frame does the Psalm 83 War occur? [Perhaps as much as 3 1/2 to 4 years BEFORE the start of the Tribulation. Bill Salus suggests as much as 11 years could elapse between the Psalm 83 War and the start of the Tribulation.] When would the Rapture occur in reference to the Psalm 83 War? [The Rapture will happen in conjunction with the timing of the sudden destruction, which will come in with the explosion of the Psalm 83 War (perhaps JUST BEFORE it--or SIMULTANEOUSLY with it). Remember, that NO prophecy NEEDS to be fulfilled BEFORE the Rapture.] When would the Gog/Magog Invasion occur AFTER the Psalm 83 War? [Perhaps IMMEDIATELY! Israel defeating her surrounding enemies could easily spark AN INSTANTANEOUS retaliation from the Gog/Magog coalition!!! It would also blend TWO THEATERS of World War III into one rapid sequence. It would prompt the quick and immediate signing of a peace accord with the Antichrist and the rapid START of the Tribulation.....OR MAYBE, several years could pass, in which the NATIONS (who remain) will take time to recover from the shock, and prepare to mount-up another assault. But God is in control of the timing of these events. There are other possibilities to consider concerning the timing....] (B.) What is the Gog/Magog Invasion? What countries are involved? In what time frame does this war occur? [There are several viewpoints among Bible scholars.] (1.) In order to give Israel SEVEN YEARS to clean up AFTER the Gog/Magog Invasion, SOME Bible scholars place The Invasion 3 1/2 years BEFORE the start of the Tribulation. (a.) This would give Israel TIME to COMPLETE the required clean-up BEFORE they are forced to flee when Antichrist desolates their temple. (b.) It would also allow 3 1/2 years for the 10 Kings of the New World Order to rise up--who will THEN give their allegiance to the Antichrist WHEN he appears upon the world scene. (c.) It would further ALLOW the gross sinfulness in the world-- its INIQUITY--to rise to its full measure which would, in turn, REQUIRE God to judge it, thus STARTING the seven-year Tribulation. [However, we also must keep in mind that the ultimate clean-up and restoration will occur AFTER ALL the events of the END TIME WARS--and THE TRIBULATION--are finished. The FINAL EVENTS of Armageddon MUST CERTAINLY cause much destruction and upheaval. Jesus and the returning Church will be involved in the restoration of planet earth in the early years of the Millennium.] (2.) OTHER scholars place the Gog/Magog Invasion just AFTER the Psalm 83 War--and JUST IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the Tribulation, so that THE DESTRUCTION during the war becomes the rallying cry for peace--and Antichrist would THEN confirm the covenant, STARTING the seven-year Tribulation. (In this viewpoint, Israels clean-up after the Invasion would be interrupted after 3 1/2 years, when Antichrist desolates their temple and they are required to flee.) (3.) Still OTHER see Gog/Magog occurring when the RED HORSE SEAL OF WAR is opened AFTER Antichrist starts the seven-year Tribulation. In this viewpoint, THE PSALM 83 WAR is the rallying cry for peace in the Middle East, Antichrist will THEN confirm covenant, Israel will feel safe under the Antichrists peace treaty, and THEN THE RED HORSE SEAL brings THE GOG/MAGOG WAR. [(a.) Again, this view requires an interrupted clean-up procedure when Antichrist turns traitor and demands to be worshiped in Israels temple--at the time when they must flee to the wilderness. (b.) This viewpoint also requires that the Gog/Magog War must disrupt the early stages of Israels building of their Temple in the first place--which will most likely be allowed AS A PART of Antichrists promised peace from the very beginning.] [I tend to see the WAR of the RED HORSE as the Antichrist FORCING his agenda upon those who do NOT agree with his dictatorship (and there will be those who do NOT go along with his agenda (3 of the 10 kings will be uprooted, for instance). So therefore, while the Antichrist enforces the peace covenant with Israel, he must also contend with rebellion among other nations throughout the world as he spreads his totalitarian kingdom. For example, Daniel 11:40-45 shows the Antichrist engaged in war with kings of the north and kings of the south, and many nations are overthrown by him, including Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia. Antichrist will PROMISE peace, but endless war will be the outcome, until all of it converges, and comes to the completion, at Armageddon. While these wars happen, the world will also be heavily troubled by natural catastrophes, and by an invasion of satanic fallen angels, too. The Tribulation will be like NONE OTHER TIME that ever happened before, so says Jesus in Matthew 24:21.] Ive given quite a PREVIEW to the links that I will provide in the comment boxes below. Take the time to read, consider, and study. May the Holy Spirit shine His light of understanding upon this topic. By the way, I happen to believe there WILL BE some AMOUNT of time BETWEEN the Rapture of the Church and THE START of the Tribulation. Another thing to consider is this--while the Church is in heaven, before the Judgment Seat of Christ (in which well receive any rewards, or crowns we have coming)--the earth will be going through the final setting-up of prophecies which LEAD UP TO the start of the Tribulation. I pray you find the following links valuable--as you pursue your own studies into the final events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to establish His Kingdom upon the earth for 1000 years. God bless you.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:37:05 +0000

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