EXPOSING and JUDGING... David, If Exposing false teachers, - TopicsExpress


EXPOSING and JUDGING... David, If Exposing false teachers, false doctrines and false prophets, and anything biblical that is being taken out of context, is a form of judging, then how is anyone going to know the difference and get the knowledge of what is true and what is false? One of the reasons why there are so many thousands of religions, cults and occult practices is simply because the majority of all these false groups and their leaders take bits and pieces out of one passage from anywhere in the bible and make a personal doctrine out of it. I may be perceived as one who is no different than any of the other religious groups when quite often I am accused of being just as judgmental as those who stand in judgment against me, but it was Paul who said: Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth? Was not Paul addressing the 3 amigos, Peter, James and John when he asked them: Have I now become your enemy because I tell you the truth? So, if Paul had told them the truth, then what was the lie? What was it that was making many of these law boasting, self made teachers and self made prophets of the law, that led Paul to ask, Have I now become your enemy because I have exposed your lies? 1 Timothy chapter 1, Trying to make themselves teachers of the law, but yet not understanding themselves what they are talking about. Exposing biblical non-sense, or anything that is being taken out of context does not constitute judgment. Jesus told the religious people of His day to judge a righteous judgment. Simply because someone tells you the truth doesnt mean that they are judging you or that they have become your enemy. Peter, James and John were offended because Paul had caught them in gospel error and heresy. He exposed their perverted doctrine. He rebuked them for teaching grace to the people who they had introduced to Christ when the jews were not around and telling the same people they had introduced to Christ that they had to keep to some of the law of Moses when the Jews were around. He called their doctrine witchcraft. Hypocrites! There is a righteous judgment and an unrighteous judgment. If we judge on the basis that others are worse sinners than we are, then with the same judgment we judge them we condemn ourselves. Exposing biblical error doesnt mean we are being judgmental. False teachers and false prophets are not only found in Christian denominations, they are also found in other forms of religious beliefs, even cults and the occult. There is nothing wrong with textual preaching. Isolating a biblical text to get a point across. The problem sets in when the verse is isolated in such fashion that it lead to feelings, of guilt, fear and condemnation because the message is mixed with law and grace. Paul called such false teaching perversion. If I am accused of being just as judgmental as those who judge me, then what about Paul and Christ? David, sorry that you see my articles as being just as judgmental as those who disagree with me (Christians), but what about you? Would you say that you have never judged something that you believed to be wrong? Or are you one of these guys who stands for nothing and falls for anything? We all take sides. In my case I side with the Gospel of the Grace and Peace of God apart from any of the works of the law of Moses. Just because I expose false doctrines, as I once served, and exposed false teachers and self proclaimed modern day prophets doesnt mean I am judging them, I am just simply exposing them until they prove me wrong. And if they prove me wrong, then I stand corrected. But now I ask you, Have I become your enemy because you feel I am judging you, or have I become your enemy because I told you the truth about your out of context condemning message of mixing grace with law? Grace n Peace Eddie
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:18:23 +0000

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