EXT. LEEDS HOUSE - DAY Early in the morning the widow hears a - TopicsExpress


EXT. LEEDS HOUSE - DAY Early in the morning the widow hears a thump on the roof and then a shriek.She runs outside to see if its Titan. WIDOW LEEDS Titan,youve come home good boy.Come inside quickly. Titan flys down to her and wraps his huge wings around her and hugs her tightly. WIDOW LEEDS We were so worried about you dont ever do that again please.(he puts his head down, hes sorry.) Once inside the children cheer when they see him and all run to hug him.Hes very glad to be home they can see.) When Thomas Jr.gets home from working all night in the tavern hes glad to see that Titans home safe and sound.The children go off to school,Thomas goes to sleep,the Widow bakes pies to sell at the tavern and Titan chews on a big tree branch. All is well until suddenly theres a loud knock on the door.The Widow Leeds afraid of who it might be asks nervously,whose there? ZACHERY its Zachery Norma I came by to see how youre doin. WIDOW LEEDS Im not so good today.Sorry I aint up for company Zach.Thanks for stoppin by though. ZACHERY Sorry you lost the baby,Doc told me. WIDOW LEEDS Okey then see you soon. Titan growls loudly at the door and flaps his huge wings. ZACHERY Whats that god awful noise Norma? WIDOW LEEDS Oh thats just our dog he doesnt trust strangers. Zachery Dont sound like no dog to me. WIDOW LEEDS Hes a very big dog. ZACHERY Okey Ill be goin ,see you soon. WIDOW LEEDS Bye Zach.I thought hed never leave.Clm down Titan its alright hes gone.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:16:02 +0000

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