EXTI NCTION: The decimation of young Black males in - TopicsExpress


EXTI NCTION: The decimation of young Black males in America Prologue The twenty-first century in the United States continues to be fraught with the prejudices of the past. So many wonderful achievements have taken place for people of color, but especially for black people. We have record numbers of black people in elected office all over the country. We have the first man of color as President, voted into office by ‘all’ people, not just black but whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans. This in and of itself is no small means, considering that not more than fifty years prior this would’ve been unheard of. And which testifies to the things that all races have in common, i.e., the need for the basic things in life; food, shelter and clothing. Unfortunately, these basic items are not available to all the people. Those in power who control everything in the day to day lives of the masses ensured that they and their families had the best of all things. They did whatever it took to put on top and remain there by any means necessary! The tactics used by these chosen few varied in ways; from the proverbial ‘white’ collar crime to the Ponzi schemes used to bilk many of their hard earned dollars; or causing animis among the races, thereby getting them to fight each other over the tiny sliver of pie allotted to all groups. They knew that by doing this, the masses would continue to fight each other and never unite to challenge their absolute authority! Or the incarceration of thousands of people but especially the black males! In Michelle Alexande5r’s book: The New Jim Crow; she takes the reader from the beginning, (of slavery and control), through the middle (after the civil war, searching for other ways to control the black population), and around the middle once more (to the Jim Crow south), and finally to the Prison Industrial Complex which has led to the mass incarceration of record numbers of black men (All in search of proper control, as once was wielded during the infamous days of slavery). Black people only make up a small percentage of the American population, yet they make up the majority of prisoners in their institutions which are the breeding grounds for more high speed crime, more murders, more rapes the list goes on and on! The funny this is that these institutions are not concerned about providing life skills or education to prevent these individuals from returning to lives of crime upon their release. The Prison Industrial Complex has been used to successfully emasculate the black male and completely stymie his efforts to become fully the sum of his parts. Anyway, because of the inadequacy of this government of the “all white males club” to ensure that the ills of society are kept to a bare minimum, the people voted the unconcerned president at the time out of office, thereby heralding in a new era for this country. People all over this land spoke in one voice and voted in President Barrack Obama, a man of color. People whose voices had been long silent and thought to be lost spoke as one! The races are more blended now than at any other time in this country’s history. Once upon a time, men of color especially black men were abused and many were murdered over interracial relationships. Needlessly to say, a lot of the dominant culture is not happy with the browning of America. Many of these individuals hold elected office, work in Law Enforcement and other areas which can have dramatic effects on people of color, In the early part of the twenty-first century, record numbers of black males were hunted by the hunters (police force/Military force). Hardly a week went by without the news showing some black male being gunned down by this organization. The country was plagued by riots, protest and various marches! The masses became angry over the senseless murders of so many of its youth and they rose up to make their presence felt. Dont forget to visit my page next Sunday for Chapter 1
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 22:13:43 +0000

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