EXTRATERRESTRIAL HYPOTHESIS vs INTER-DIMENSIONAL THEORY(bare with me here, this topic is important because it is notorious for quick assumptions with little examination. A singular view that overlooks alternative theories which are ignored by mass media) Lets talk about the phenomenon of UFOs and the popular concept that aliens may be visiting us here on earth, and are from another galaxy. What do you know about UFOs? Are they friends? Are they foes? Where do they come from? Where do they GO? What does the evidence show? Most people who consider the ET Hypothesis usually fall into one of two categories, skeptics or believers. While skeptics are busy believing its all natural, like man-made craft, misconceptions, atmospheric anomalies, hoaxes and lies, while believers feel safe in accepting the concept that intelligent species from other planets are actually visiting us. How well of a job do either of these arguments do to explain away the phenomenon of UFOs or to explain the countless encounters of witnesses who believe that they were contacted or abducted by intelligent beings from space? Is their data showing that both of these arguments are false? Is there a third argument worthy of attention? Yes there is and it gets very little acknowledgment in mainstream media, especially on network specials or series based specifically on this very subject. Its a totally different story with the internet, especially Youtube, where videos and concepts are shared and spread. Inter-Dimensional theory holds much relevancy to open-minded Christians because it coincides with Biblical and ancient scriptures. Also, the Bible proves time and time again as both prophetically accurate and historically accurate due to overwhelming archaeological findings and evidence. The Apocryphal texts contain the books of Enoch and Jasher which has a lot to offer for insight similar or parallel to this subject. Widely ignored by mainstream media is the Inter-dimensional Hypothesis. You decide what to think but make that decision after examination. Condemnation without investigation is a fools folly so please keep an open mind. Is it possible that there is a single non-crackpot scientist out there presenting such a case leaning towards the Inter-dimensional theory for the UFO and abduction phenomena? Introducing, Dr. Jacques Vallee. Notable astronomer and adviser to NASA. With a PhD in Computer Science. He also was one of the first to map Mars. He was the co-developer ARPANET, which eventually became the internet. His list of scientific accomplishments is so long, I dont want to spend too much time to cover them all. Lets just say that if you have the balls to call Vallee intellectually insignificant, your an idiot. Anyone youve listened to about UFOs couldnt go toe to toe with Dr. Jacques Vallee. In fact the next in line with most experience in this field holds the same view as Vallee. One day in 1955, Vallees eyes saw a UFO above his home and from that day forward he became obsessed with the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Decades of looking into the UFO phenomenon has earned him the title of expert in the field. No living man on earth today can claim more UFO research then Dr. Vallee. After earning his masters in Astrophysics his interest in UFOs begins to grow after data comes into the Paris Observatory, where he works, showing a retrograde satellite in our atmosphere. This is years before any rockets are powerful enough to place one there. Vallee and his associates never got to analyze that data because one of his superiors came in and erased it and giving no reason why. Vallee did not try to say that this object was an extraterrestrial craft. He also didnt say that it wasnt. What he did say is that the observatory was afraid to look deeper into the data because it didnt want to lose important funding or become a laughingstock within the scientific community. He figured that mainstream science was ignoring the UFO phenomenon for some reason and he wasnt gonna be part of that reason. That sets the stage for the next five decades of Vallees crusade to understand UFOs. For the majority of the sixties, Vallee believes that UFOs come from other planets and are operated by extraterrestrial beings from outer space but by 1969 he changes his mind and starts to find that hypothesis asinine. He eventually arrives to a new conclusion that UFOs arent from space but somewhere more elusive and he starts interviewing thousands of contactees. He just couldnt see how all these ETs can be from another planet. He cant manage to understand how these crafts appear and vanish. The evidence makes no sense. People have been seeing these things in our atmosphere for over 10,000 years. He ponders why they are even here. To look at it logically, if aliens have an advanced technologically, why is it taking so long to get the job done properly? Thats only one anomaly that makes the ET hypothesis look preposterous. Lets just pause this nonsense and acknowledge what Vallee has to say, and ponder it. You know, I spend a lot of time listening to the witnesses. I dont interfere with what they tell me. What these people are telling me is that theyve seen objects that seem to come out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere. Its not something that comes from the sky, in most cases. It suddenly in the close encounter cases, Boom!, suddenly its there. Maybe there is a light over the back yard and out of that light something precipitates thats a material object. Well, I dont know how to do that. This is not a spacecraft. This is much more than a spacecraft, Ok? This is not NASA fifty years from now, Ok? Its much much more complex than that. We havent really dealt with that complexity intellectually-in the literature-we just havent done it! If youre a skeptic Im guessing you left this video a long time ago so lets address those on the fence or the believers with preconceptions. Jacques has some questions, so lets just address them. Well reference his book Dimensions: A Case For Alien Contact where he mentions in chapter 9, five suggestions, that go directly against the extra-terrestrial connection. 1) The number of landings is outstanding, no fewer than three million per two decades. At our current stage of technology we wouldnt need more than one probe to orbit the one globe to know everything about the planets habits, topography and vegetation, not to mention all its species and telecommunications. So whats with all the visitations? Are you telling me these aliens are just taking vacations? 2) Lets look at what UFOs do. They move through objects, pop in and out of existence, defy physical logic and quickly change direction. In a way, more akin to a holographic projection. 3) They usually look like you and me. Breath the same air and share similar biology. They dont even seem bothered by our gravity, walking around like they were born here naturally. And thats pretty weird because science says we evolved here accidentally. I mean, theres no chance that they would resemble us almost identically. You get me? 4) What are these abductions for? Thousands of cases from hundreds of places. What kind of experiment needs that many unwilling participants and why are their techniques so primitive? Bordering on sadistic, sick and belligerent. Lets not forget cattle mutilation and anal probes! I mean, with our current instruments we wouldnt need to be so twisted. We would just visit one of their hospitals for biological materials. Why are they being so hostile? 5) They hide throughout time. You can find them in our ancient writings and artwork. They always seem to lie to all who have claimed contact. Our modern sightings seem to match exactly on what a cultures willing to accept and thats scary and all the forms they take seemed to vary, goblins, demons, angels, fairies, etc. And whats with Bigfoot? So infamous yet ever elusive, does he get assistance? Whether its a sun disk seen by Okinawa or Fatimas blessed virgin Mary. Even though the evidence is stacked against the extraterrestrial hypothesis believers still insist its a logical conclusion. Whats with the confusion? Jacques assumes it has a lot to do with what the media is feeding you. In fact, when Steven Spielberg came up to him for advice on making Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Jacques kindly advised him against the extraterrestrial hypothesis but lets hear word-for-word what Spielbergs reply was to this: Youre probably right. But thats not what the public is expecting. This is Hollywood and I want to give people something thats close to what they expect. Thats shady Spielberg! Vallee also says that the evidence suggests that there may be some highly advanced nonhuman intelligence behind some of the misdirection. That in some way it may benefit from the deception. And from the moment of humanities conception these entities have been endlessly messing with our heads and our belief systems. If your not sure if you agree him, remember hes Jacques Vallee and were just the dweebs listening. He even says its worth considering that these false ETs have driven many of humanitys decisions, giving Joan of Arc visions, and civilization religions. He calls this manipulation the control system. The whole system seems to be put in place to sway the human race anyway that these fakes want us to take. They make or break how we feel and now Vallee says they may want us to think aliens are real! Why does the acceptance of their presence grow when even Jacques Vallee dont know? And here he is: Thank you very much. I only wish I had the answer. I think after, after an introduction like this, people want to know well, you know, What are they? and uh, as you know, I have to say that I still dont know. Jacques doesnt know, and neither do you. So stop acting cocky and acting like you do. Try to detach from the Hollywood view. Try to look past the control system around you. It might just astound you if you allow your perceptions to accept the deception from another dimension. Is your reality real or is it just an invention? Created by entities that feed off of your attention and apparently they benefit from your misdirection. This almost ends our lesson of the day on researching Jacques Vallee. Theres one more thing Id like to share with you. One more quote from one page from the book Vallee wrote. It must be possible to gain access to the control of the UFO phenomenon. To forget the spirits and pranks and claims of extraterrestrial > contact and to do some real science but itll take a smart approach > and a very daring one. (this is a transcript based on Camper Killer Commentary #14: Extraterrestrial hypothesis vs Jacques Vallée by CampKillCommentary - youtube/watch?v=8_2e6fsKs40. It is slightly adapted for either continuity or addition of my perspective-but only slightly)
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 06:09:11 +0000

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