EXTREMELY URGENT AND HIGH PRIORITY BASIS. Department of Urology Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar Ref. No. 539-63 / Urol-PGMI / LRH, Pesh Dated: 03.06.2013 THE OFFICIAL EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION: Under the Constitution, the Acts, the Law, the Rules, the Regulations, etc. it is Most Mandatory for the Office of the undersigned to solely proceed with the Rules of Business / Procedure strictly per Selon les Regles (According to the Rules) solely for the Rule of Law since Aequitas sequitur Legem (Equity follows Law). Therefore this Official Executive Communication is being issued to bring to the Very Kind Notice of all to whom this Communication is being Endorsed a Highly Serious Matter for their Information and their Extremely Urgent and High Priority Basis Necessary Actions in this context. The undersigned took the Charge as the Head and In Charge of this Department on 10.05.1996. Since the date of taking the Charge of this Department to date the undersigned has never ever carried out the Condemnation of even a Single Needle of this Department. Whereas the undersigned has to his Credit the Great Honour of Supporting this Department with the Donated Equipment, etc. worth Millions of Pakistani Rupees from his Own Pocket, the Local, the National, the Regional and the International Philanthropists Organizations, etc. The undersigned is the sole Clinical Professor in Pakistan who does not carryout Private Clinical Practice! The Maternal Grand Father of the undersigned is at the Serial Number 10 (Ten) amongst the 24 (Twenty Four) Historic Philanthropic, etc. Founders who Donated in 1927 to built the 1st (First) Western Style Hospital in the North-West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Peshawar i.e. the Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. According to the Rules, etc. the Remarks, Signature, etc. of the In Charge of the Section, Unit, Department, etc. is the Most Mandatory in the context of the Repairs, Condemnations, etc. of any Item at his / her Section, Unit, Department, etc. as he / she is the End User, the Subject Expert, etc. But Highly Unlawful, Unauthorized, etc. Disappearances of various Items in the Excellent Working Orders worth Millions of Pakistani Rupees in the Operation Theatre of this Department have been carried with the Top Secrecy / Confidentiality, Fake / Forged Signatures, etc. in the Pretext of the Condemnations, the Repairs (Actually Missing), etc. at various dates and specifically circa the last quarter of the 2009 when the undersigned was on the Officially Sanctioned Lawful Leave! The Condemned Items, etc. are just Thrown away to be Sold to the Debris Dealers as the Junk! It is said that those Equipment, etc. have been Sold to the Private Medical Practitioners, Clinics, Hospitals, etc. Upon his return from the fore mentioned Leave circa the mid 2010 the undersigned came to know about the fore mentioned Highly Unlawful Deeds, etc. On 26.11.2010 the undersigned immediately Deputed Officers from his Department to Constitute a Committee for the Detailed Physical and Working Order Verification of all the Equipment, etc. in the Operation Theatre this Department and also requested the Administration of this Institution to Depute its Officers in order to Constitute a Joint Verification Committee in this context [The Photostat Copies of all the Relevant Communications Annexed]. On 31.05.2011 that Joint Verification Committee Submitted its Report to the undersigned Reporting Many Highly Unlawful Deeds, etc. [The Photostat Copies Annexed]. Supported by the Prima Facie (At First Sight) Evidences, etc. this Report Reflects some Highly Serious Height of the Con Artistic Deeds, etc. if the fore mentioned Deeds, etc. are Proved to be Facts then one will be highly justified to say C’est Pire qu’un Crime C’est une Faute (It is Worse than a Crime it is a Blunder). On 16.06.2011 the undersigned Informed in the Writing the Administration of this Institution about the above mentioned Report of the above mentioned Joint Verification Committee [The Photostat Copy Annexed]. But no Response was given by the Administration of this Institution in that context? Laudatur et Alget (Honesty is Commended and Left Out in the Cold). Therefore the undersigned had to simply remain Silent and just Waited for the Right Move at a Right Time! Fraus est Calare Fraudem (It is a Fraud to Conceal a Fraud). It is highly hoped that now is the Right Time for a Right Move! It is Most Humbly Requested to take Highly Concrete Steps in this Highly Serious Matter! Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum (Let Justice be done though the Heavens should Fall). If in spite of this Last Communication in this context even then No Parallel and Separate High Powered Independent Intra-Institutional and Extra plus Supra-Institutional Inquiry Committees (Including the Anti Corruption Department attached to the Establishment Department) are Constituted within a Maximum Period of 04 (Four) Weeks to Probe into this Highly Serious Matter than the undersigned will be left with no other option that to ask all the Local, the National, the Regional and the International Philanthropists, etc. to Stop the further Future Consignments of the Donations of the Equipment, etc. to this Department with the Most Immediate Effect! The undersigned will never ever make any compromise over the Principles of the Natural Justice and would just say at least about himself that Frangas Non Flectes (You may Break You shall not Bend)! In almost 66 (sixty six) years history of this country almost all Institutions have been always Destroyed in order to Flourish the Chosen People (Blue Eyed Babies) with the Result that the Ultra-Fast Rising Graphs of the Unlawful Deeds, etc. in the Entire Machinery of specifically this country are clearly visible to each and every one in this Global Village of today. During the fore mentioned period Mostly the Highly Ignominious Doctrine of the Necessitas Non habet Lege (Necessity has No Law) has been always made a False Excuse for all the Unlawful Deeds, etc. at every walk of life instead of the Highly Honoured Doctrine of the Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto (Let the Welfare of the People be the Final Law). Furthermore in case of No Highly Concrete Steps in context of above mentioned Highly Serious Matter as Most Humbly Requested by the undersigned after the above mentioned Period then the undersigned will be ultimately left with no other option than the Must Referring in any capacity this Highly Serious Matter to the Director General, National Accountability Bureau, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Chairman, National Accountability Bureau; Provincial Ombudsman, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Federal Ombudsman; Honourable Chief Justice, Peshawar High Court; Honourable Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Pakistan; etc. Signed. Prof. Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Khan Head of Department of Urology Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar (Dean of Faculty of Surgical and Allied Health Sciences Khyber Medical University Peshawar) End. No. 539-63 / Urol-PGMI / LRH, Pesh Dated: 03.06.2013 Copy forwarded for the information and the necessary actions to the; 1. Chief Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 2. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Establishment Department, Peshawar. 3. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Health Department, Peshawar. 4. Vice Chancellor, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar. 5. Director General, Health Services, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Health Department, Peshawar. 6. Chief Executive, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 7. Dean, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Peshawar. 8. Registrar, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar. 9. Medical Superintendent, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 10. Members, Management Council, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 11. Additional Medical Superintendent, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 12. Director Finance, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 13. Deputy Medical Superintendent [Administration], Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 14. Chief Nursing Superintendent, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 15. Deputy Medical Superintendent [Zone 06 (six)], Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 16. Deputy Medical Superintendent [Stores], Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 17. Assistant Resident Director, Audit, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 18. Teaching Staff, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 19. Junior Registrar, Urology Unit, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 20. Chief Clinical Technologist [Surgical], Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 21. In Charge, Operation Theatre Assistant, Urology Operation Theatre, Urology Unit, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 22. Supervisor Record Section, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 23. Office Secretary to the Head, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. Signed. Prof. Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Khan Head of Department of Urology Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar (Dean of Faculty of Surgical and Allied Health Sciences Khyber Medical University Peshawar) Annexure: The Photostat Copies of All the Above mentioned in this very Communication.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 01:10:42 +0000

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