EXTREMELY URGENT / TOP PRIORITY BASIS. Department of - TopicsExpress


EXTREMELY URGENT / TOP PRIORITY BASIS. Department of Urology Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar Ref. No. 48-80 / Urol-PGMI / LRH, Pesh Dated: 07.02.2012 THE ATTENTION DRAWING NOTICE OF HIGHLY SERIOUS NATURE. Under the Constitution, the Law, the Rules, the Regulations, etc. it is Most Mandatory for the Office of the Undersigned to Solely proceed with the Rules of Business / Procedure strictly per Selon les Regles (According to the Rules) Solely for the Rule of Law since Aequitas sequitor Legem (Equity follows Law). Therefore this Attention Drawing Notice of Highly Serious Nature is being issued and endorsed to most of the Most Honourable and Worthy Authorities, etc. of the concerned Executive Offices, etc. for the information and the necessary actions. Supported by the Prima Facie (At First Sight) Evidences, etc. some Highly Suspicious Height of Con Artistic Deeds, etc. have been brought to the notice of this Office. If the fore mentioned Deeds, etc. are proved to be the Facts then one will be highly justified to say C’est Pire qu’un Crime, c’est une Faute (It is Worse than a Crime, it is a Blunder). It is Highly Suspected that an Individual working as a Professor of Urology in the present Institute of Kidney Diseases, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar has used Absolutely Fake, False, Forged, Fraudulent Documents, etc. which Con Artistically, etc. depict his Teaching Experience in the Discipline / Specialty of Urology at the Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar for a Grand Total of 07 (seven) years and 01 (one) month Period at various Dates. A relatively detailed outline of that Teaching Experience is as follows; 1. Senior Registrar (Urology) for 02 (two) years and 06 (six) months. 2. Assistant Professor (Urology) for 03 (three) years and 02 (two) months. 3. Associate Professor (Urology) 01 (one) year and 05 (five) months. The above mentioned Highly Suspicious Con Artistic Deeds, etc. have been carried out for the Recruitment of that very Individual at the Post of the Associate Professor of Urology in the then Centre of Kidney Diseases, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar (now the Institute of Kidney Diseases, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar) in 2006 as well as later on for his Promotion to the Post of Professor of Urology in the above mentioned Institution. It is Highly Note Worthy that according to the Law, the Rules, the Regulations, etc. the Teaching Experiences, etc. in the various Posts of the Teaching Cadre of a respective Discipline / Specialty are amongst the Most Mandatory Requisitions, etc. for the Appointment as well as Promotion to the above mentioned Teaching Cadre Posts of that very respective Discipline / Specialty. It is Highly Worth Mentioning, etc. that there is only 01 (one) Department of Urology in the Postgraduate Medical Institute, Peshawar located at the Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar in which the undersigned has worked at the different Teaching Cadre Posts since 1986 to date. In 1996 the Undersigned was appointed as the Head of this Department of Urology and also promoted to the Post of Professor of Urology on the Regular Basis through the Provincial Selection Board, Government of the then North-West Frontier Province, Peshawar at an interval of around 11 (eleven) weeks period in the same year. The above mentioned Individual has never ever worked even for a 0 (cipher) Second Period at any Date in the Capacities as mentioned in those Highly Suspicious Fake, False, Forged, Fraudulent Documents, etc. Therefore it is Legally Highly Binding, etc. upon this Office to pass on this very information According to the Law since Fraus est Calare Fraudem (It is a Fraud to Conceal a Fraud). It is Highly Hoped that High Level Inquiry / Facts Finding Commissions, etc. will be Appointed by the Offices, etc. of the concerned Most Honourable and Worthy Authorities, etc. to Probe into this very matter for an Inquiry into the Truth otherwise it will solely make evident the very fact that Laudatur et Alget (Honesty is Commended and Left Out in the Cold). If the Highly Suspicious Con Artistic Deeds, etc. are proved to be Facts then the Appropriate Relevant Disciplinary Actions, etc. must be taken against all those Intentionally Involved in this context so that they are taken to the Task and brought before the Justice According to the Law otherwise it will just reflect the state of affairs in the set up of this region existing as Falcus in Uno, Falcus in Omnibus (The False in One Thing, False in All). If the above requested High Level Inquiry / Facts Finding Commissions, etc. are not Appointed till 30.04.2012 and the Office of the Undersigned is not subsequently Informed in this context on the Extremely Urgent / High Priority Basis then from 04.06.2012 onwards the Undersigned will be left with no other Option then to Refer this very matter in any capacity to the Most Honourable and Worthy Authorities, etc. of the concerned Investigative, Counter-Corruption, Accountability Offices, etc. or the Most Honourable and Learned Authorities, etc. of the Constitution, the Law, the Rules, the Regulations, etc. Interpretation High, Supreme Offices, etc. for information and necessary actions as the case may be since Fiat Justicia, Ruat Caelum (Let Justice be done, though the Heavens should Fall). This Highly Serious Attention Drawing Notice of Highly Serious Nature is being issued by the Office of the Undersigned for both the General and the Specific Reasons. The General Reasons are that in this Highly Suspicious Game of the ‘Snakes and Ladders’ Highly Suspicious Fake, False, Forged, Fraudulent, etc. Most Mandatory Requisite ‘Ladders’ of the Discipline / Specialty (Urology) of the Undersigned at this Institution have been Constructed and Used at the Height of the Con Artistic Deeds, etc. Whereas the Specific Reasons are Solely the Greater Interest of the Patients, the Public, the Medical / Paraprofessional Staff / Students, etc. as Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto (Let the Welfare of the People be the Final Law). Signed. Prof. Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Khan Head of Department of Urology Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar (Dean of Faculty of Surgical and Allied Health Sciences Khyber Medical University Peshawar) End. No. 48-80 / Urol-PGMI / LRH / Pesh Dated: 07.02.2012 Forwarded for the Information and the Necessary Actions to the; 1. Chief Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 2. Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Planning and Development Department, Peshawar. 3. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Establishment Department, Peshawar. 4. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Administration Department, Peshawar. 5. Senior Member, Board of Revenue, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Revenue and Estate Department, Peshawar. 6. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Planning and Development Department, Peshawar. 7. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Health Department, Peshawar. 8. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Law, Parliamentary Affairs and Human Rights Department, Peshawar. 9. Secretary to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department, Peshawar. 10. Vice Chancellor, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar. 11. Chief Executive, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 12. Chief Executive, Hayatabad Medical Complex / Khyber Girls Medical College / Institute of Kidney Diseases / etc., Peshawar. 13. Chief Executive, Khyber Teaching Hospital / Khyber Medical College / Khyber College of Dentistry, Peshawar. 14. Account General, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 15. Dean, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Peshawar. 16. Registrar, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar. 17. Principal, Khyber Medical College, Peshawar. 18. Principal, Khyber Girls Medical College, Peshawar. 19. Medical Superintendent, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 20. Medical Superintendent, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar. 21. Medical Superintendent, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar. 22. Members, Management Council, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 23. Members, Management Council, Hayatabad Medical Complex / Khyber Girls Medical College / Institute of Kidney Diseases / etc., Peshawar. 24. Members, Management Council, Khyber Teaching Hospital / Khyber Medical College / Khyber College of Dentistry, Peshawar. 25. Director Finance, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 26. Assistant Resident Director, Audit, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 27. Teaching Staff, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 28. Senior Registrar, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 29. Junior Registrar, Urology Unit, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 30. Supervisor Record Section, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. 31. Office Secretary to the Head, Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. Signed. Prof. Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Khan Head of Department of Urology Postgraduate Medical Institute / Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar (Dean of Faculty of Surgical and Allied Health Sciences Khyber Medical University Peshawar)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 01:35:33 +0000

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