EYES WIDE OPEN their eyes were opened and they recognised - TopicsExpress


EYES WIDE OPEN their eyes were opened and they recognised Him...Luke 24:31 NIV Sometimes, when we’re too busy staring at screens, updating our statuses, consuming what’s in front of us—we miss something greater. God is willing to teach us more about Himself, and to give us amazing opportunities. But it isn’t enough just to ‘get by’ and hope that we’ll find ourselves walking on the clouds all of a sudden. Looking up to God is how we really ‘see’ things as they are, despite the fact that life often goes on in its usual fashion all around us. It’s a massive deal. And we aren’t just talking about putting life as a whole into perspective or looking at the bigger picture (although focussing on God helps that, too). Looking to God can set you up for some life–changing moments. Forty years before God’s people entered the promised land, Moses saw it— ‘It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt. He was not afraid of the king. Moses kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the One who is invisible.’ (Hebrews 11:27 NLT) Why? He trusted God. Jesus spent most of His life on earth not being recognised for who He was—people just didn’t ‘see’ it. In Mark 10:46–52 he met a man born blind. A man who had to beg to earn money, who couldn’t see the ground he sat on, but who recognised Jesus as the long–awaited Messiah. That’s a great reminder for us all to look up and see God, and not down at our earthly circumstances. So, ask God to open your eyes to the awe and wonder all around you and to what He is doing in your world today.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 07:52:58 +0000

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