EZEKIEL THE TEACHER: MARY, MARY, WHY ME? I just finished - TopicsExpress


EZEKIEL THE TEACHER: MARY, MARY, WHY ME? I just finished secondary school and I was so raring to be self-dependent. After much deliberations, I decided that ‘teaching’ was the best option. This ‘young-looking-self dependent-boy’ carved out his application letter in the most artistry manner and then marched into the nearest primary school. I was directed to the principal’s office. I sat down with an air of confidence and my usual smiles beaming out ‘assurances of hope’. After reading my application letter the principal said “young boy, you are very smart and clever, I should have given you the job but your height doesn’t match your academic excellence”. Oh! I exclaimed. “Common, don’t judge by the outwards but judge righteous judgment; although man looketh at the outwards, please look at the inwards, sir”. This my ‘academic excellence’ as he puts it, was judged by the way my application letter was written (I had an oxford dictionary then) and not by certification or qualification. I had no certificate yet! “Any way”, he continued, “let me test your teaching skills, if you teach very well you would have the job”. “Good”! I said to myself. I applied all the comic techniques I had accumulated during my secondary school days to teach the pupils and by the time I was done they were all reeling in laughter. Just then the principal came in to ask “do you like your new teacher?” They all chorused “Yeeeeeees”! “I made it”, I said to myself. To the best of my knowledge, I was the ‘best-youngest-self-dependent-teacher’. I was 16 years old at that time. One challenge was that I didn’t tell my parents before embarking on this job seeking campaign. He immediately placed me on a 3,500 monthly salary. I actually had no choice. I was to resume that same day. After the introduction to the job in the principal’s office, I was on my way to the class to start my duty when the proprietor came around to inspect the school. She immediately mistook me for a primary six pupil who was dressed on mufti. “Come here”, she said in a commanding tone. “Where is your uniform”? She added without waiting for my reply. I looked back to see if there was any one behind me. When I realized that there was no one behind, I smiled. Coming closer to me, she said “Who are you smiling at”? She grabbed the nearest cain and was pacing towards my direction. The principal on noticing the opprobrium hollered “he is a teacher oh!” I was speechless and dump founded, embarrassed, shocked and humiliated. The proprietor had to fire me that same day of my employment on the note that I was too short for the job. This was after giving me a 500 naira compensation. As I walked home I began to think about the embarrassment I just received. All in the search for self-dependency. I told my parents and they frowned at my ineptitude, they then placed me on house arrest with a monthly allowance of 3000 naira. At least, that was irrespective of my height. But few weeks later, I persuaded them that I couldn’t stay idle, “an idle mind is the devils workshop”. It is an evil thing to be the devils workman, not to talk of his own workshop! “Please Dad, let me go and look for a job”. This time, he helped me got one. He told a friend who also told another friend who was a principal and then I was able to secure a teaching job where I met Mary. (To be continued)… Thank God I am taller!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 11:47:44 +0000

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