Each and every act of worship gives us renewed power for - TopicsExpress


Each and every act of worship gives us renewed power for controlling our egos. But if we embark on the way of devotion by ourselves, our egos can lay so many traps in our way and play endless tricks on us. For example, sometimes our egos may say to us Pray, or sometimes they may say Awake at midnight and pray, or Read Quran, read so much of it, I am with you, dont worry. Go to Mecca more than once five, ten, twenty times, or fast as much as you can. The ego may dictate these actions to you and thus it may have its grimy little paws in every single one of these devotions. Later it will manifest its participation by coming to you and saying: Oh man, Oh brother, there is no one like you; you are the best and most pious of the human race, the most famous of holy men. No one can worship like you; When it speaks to you like this, it is just like the butcher who comes to look at the lamb every day, patting it on the back and grabbing the fat of its neck. He says: How nice and plump, what a beautiful lamb. But he is only waiting until the sheep gets big and fat enough, waiting to slit its throat! Satan comes and says: There is no one like you. You are of the highest degree. Then the victim answers. Yes, I am the best; there is no one like me. When Satan obtains this confession of self-worship, he cuts off the victims head-finished! That is what we call self-satisfaction (I am all right now) and it is why Satan fell down. For he also said to himself: I am all right; Im really something. The Angels should prostrate before me, not before Adam, that mudpie! Oh my Lord, You are doing wrong in asking us to bow down before Adam! From such thoughts as his we seek refuge in Allah. Since our ego plays such tricks on us by hiding itself within our acts of devotion and therein nurturing self-satisfaction and conceit, it is very dangerous and terrible for a person to strive on his own. He must take a guide and follow his path, lest so many devils will ponder him into a dark pitch. Baye R.A letter of discuss.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:19:30 +0000

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