Each day when I arise, I try to be intentional in the - TopicsExpress


Each day when I arise, I try to be intentional in the relationships that God places in my heart are before me. I start first and foremost with my family. I make sure they all know that they are loved. I encourage them and help prepare them for the day. I pray for them and with them. I leave notes out for them to remind them of how amazing they are. I send them my notes for my Bible reading each day so we can grow together as a family. Even though Riley is far away, she hears from me first thing every day and throughout the day. I am intentional about sending her encouraging cards each week. I do the same for Cadence to show her how special she is to me and Jesus. I invest in these relationships every day and make them a priority. There are some days as a parent that regardless of how many great things you say to your kids or how much you pour into them, you still will fall on your face. Relationships are sticky and hard. Everyone is not wired the same. We receive and perceive things differently. Often it doesn’t matter how much you build some one up. You can say one thing they do not like or they see as hurtful, and all is lost. The good is not remembered. Only the wound, the hurt and then a scar remains. I had one of these parenting moments yesterday. I’m not going to lie, it was hard. By the end of the day, I started to think, “What’s the point? Does it really even matter? Am I even making an impact and a difference in their lives?” As I woke up to a new day I felt defeated and lost. I sat down to read my Bible and I found this note that Cadence left for me. Mom. You are magnificent. You are the most amazing woman I know. Your sweet, steady presence comforts me. Your quiet confidence inspires me. The wisdom you offer is timeless. Watching you blossom over the past twelve years has been as extraordinary as watching a caterpillar become a butterfly…and then continue to morph into an eagle. Thank you, beloved momma, for being the woman you are. The friend you are.. And the mother you are. The leader you are. I know I speak for Ri when I say, we could not have asked for more in a mom. Even the mistakes you have made in your discovery of just how to raise quality human beings have been stepping stones for us. Thanks for the way you treat dad. Its sets me a real example. The way you celebrated dad and built him up in our young lives {without putting him on an unrealistic pedestal} spoke volumes…to him and us. You helped mold the tender love and incredible respect I have for my daddy. Thank you for so consistently and faithfully loving me. Even when I was awful and disappointed you, time and time and time again, you loved me through it. Watching you on your knees praying for Ri and still showing her so much love showed me how I should be/act. Thank you for instilling in me a genuine love for people. for His people. I couldn’t imagine life any other way. So yes, I guess I’m spoiled. And I’m really quite okay with that. You are truly a present-day picture of the Proverbs 31 woman, and it delights my heart to tell you how amazing u r. I cannot begin to tell you how humbled I was as I read this. I had such an array of emotions come over me. I didn’t feel worthy of such a kind note, yet at the same time I felt so appreciated and loved. As we pour into the lives of our children, there will be times that we feel completely unappreciated. There will be days where we wonder if we are making an impact on their lives at all. We will feel defeated. We will feel as we have failed. Never give up on them. Never give up on this relationship. Always try and set the right example. They are always watching. They are always learning. Today of all days when I needed the same kind of hope and encouragement that I give to them, it was given to me. She saw my pain. She saw that I needed to be encouraged. She took what I do in her life and gave it back to me in a priceless way when I needed it most. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:04:36 +0000

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