Each of us will give an account of himself to God. - Romans - TopicsExpress


Each of us will give an account of himself to God. - Romans 14:12 The flight crew was jostled this way and that in the ultra high-tech training simulator. The pilots in the front two seats wrestled with the controls until they were finally on the ground, safe and sound. Then after a couple of hours, they stopped by the test conductors office to pick up the results of their session. The printout was a complicated jumble of numbers. There were categories to rate how hard the left and right main landing gears had touched down and how much steering had been used to keep the craft on the runway. Most would not understand the pilots report card, but the indicators it revealed were all positive. It proved the pilots did indeed have the right stuff. What would it be like if we received report cards rating our lives as Christians? What if our wife, kids, and friends were responsible for the grading? How would they say were doing in our walk with Christ? How would members of our church say were doing? A peer review can be a nerve-racking experience. Youre not perfect, and no one expects you to be. Whats important, however, is that you do your best to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Hold yourself accountable for your actions, and seek input from those closest to you. Above all, ask the Spirit to empower all your efforts. After all, God is the One to whom we are ultimately accountable. Do you have the right stuff when it comes to living life as a follower of Christ? Producing the right stuff takes effort, but it is God-empowered effort.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 10:48:22 +0000

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