Each religion has a symbol that distills the essence of its - TopicsExpress


Each religion has a symbol that distills the essence of its message for mankind. For Christians, it is the cross, For many Buddhists, it is the dharma wheel. For many Hindus, it is the symbol for Om. > > For the ancient Egyptians, the symbol for man was the pyramid. Jim Goure had an interesting read on what the pyramid represented. He said that the pyramids in Egypt had been erected by mind control thousands of years ago. The pyramid had seven rooms in it, which symbolized the seven energy centers within each person. > > Within the pyramid, the kings chamber was one-third of the way up from the base of the pyramid. The kings chamber, because of its centrality within the pyramid, is symbolic of the importance of the Light center within each one of us: it is key to opening all of the other centers. The kings chamber was gold lined and had four exits - north, south, east, and west. According to Jim, the geometric form of the pyramid focused the rays and energies from space and Earth in the pyramid. God-conscious people would enter the kings chamber and change these energies into focused rays of Divine Light and cause them to encircle Earth in four directions - north, south, east, and west. This Divine Light encircling the globe allowed there to be peace on Earth. The last God-conscious person, knowing he was the last, sealed the four channels and left the seven rooms an enigma. > > The symbol for the age we live in, said Jim, is the sphere. All of the stars and planets are spheres of Light and Love. They radiate this Light and Love on a continuous basis - never asking, always giving. That is what all of us should become. > > If we envision ourselves as spheres of Light, our consciousness can change immediately. There can be a vast expansion of consciousness. Our small, worldly concerns evaporate. Our personality recedes and what comes to the fore is a sense of Divine Energy. We feel the spaciousness of consciousness. We feel the vastness of space. Liberated from the boundaries of our little world, we feel free to Be Divine. > > You may want to experience this this Saturday. You might want to visualize a sphere of pure Light and then see yourself stepping into or merging with that sphere of Light. You might want to accompany this experience with a prayer, such as, I am That. I am that Light. I am that Light, radiating to everyone and everything. I am that Light, expanding the Good in everyone and everything. I am that Love, and I radiate that Love for the good of everyone and everything. > > You might want to end with a prayer such as, Thank you, God, for touching everyone and everything with Thy Light and Thy Love. Thank you, God, for increasing the Good in everyone and everything. > > Love and Light, > Tully
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:14:00 +0000

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