Each single woman and man yearns to experience pure feelings with - TopicsExpress


Each single woman and man yearns to experience pure feelings with a life partner; to share responsibilities and to raise positive kids together. When you are fortunate to meet the person that Allah has destined for you, with whom you have all great emotions, wouldn’t you want love to nourish and get deeper by time? Of course, you love to. Before marriage, many young persons have an incomplete idea that a happily marriage is just all about falling in love and being loved. Later on, they are shocked to know that life is not all roses. Along with love, relationships need continuous care and efforts to grow, flourish, and to maintain the mutual understanding. We as Muslims are blessed with a comprehensive catalog on how to fulfill our emotional needs. But we are also the ones who put this inclusive catalog aside only to complain how rough marital life happened to be. Read more... - Valentine Day’s Evolution of a Muslim Woman - A Single Muslim Man Speaks Out (Series) - On Matrimonial: Why Women Love Shopping - Homes Are Built On Love - Wheres the Love in the Quran? To begin with, if we equate any relationship with two bricks we can say that the efficient communication is the cement that puts them together. In the following tips, we would like to share advice on how to maintain communication between spouses, the issue that can add romance to the marital relationship and make life vibrant and full of love. But first you have to put in mind while reading the following tips that though they may be useful and practical for you, they won’t bear fruits until you have strong determination and clear intention to transform your life for better. muslim-husband-wife Try to implement the “10 to 1” rule, which states that for every negative comment you have to say ten positive ones. To enhance communication with your spouse, you need to: • Say nice words and compliments about little things like the wife’s good appearance, her cooking, and the husband’s looking when leaving to work; these words may seem tiny gestures but their results are huge. They will boost your partner’s self-confidence and will set the mood for a romantic life at home. • Always try to speak about the characteristics which you enjoy most in your partner; is it wife’s amusing sense of humor, or husband’s generosity and kindness when dealing with needy people…etc. • Try to implement the “10 to 1” rule, which states that for every negative comment you have to say ten positive ones; so by time negative words will be very rare and you will get use on saying positive comments as everything is mastered with practice. • When you are having that moment of frustration from you partner or having a dispute, and can’t accept any word from him/her, take a break for few minutes and try to write down the good characteristics of your spouse, e.g. what made you love him/her in the first place. By doing so you will start to look at the situation from a new dimension, and this will help you stand in your partner’s shoes to understand their point of view. guy-giving-flowers-111208 Surprises are able to make your spouse feel very special and appreciated. • Surprises help so much in giving the romance a boost for married couples. A surprise can be beautiful flowers, a love letter in your husband’s pants pocket, a love note on the bathroom mirror; these surprises are able to make your spouse feel very special and appreciated. • Plan to have some weekly time alone with your spouse with no kids or any kind of disruptions. Usually couples are bound to grow apart if they dont spend enough time alone. You can do good deeds together like night prayers, following it with du’aa for your family; you can make it a habit to read the Qur’an together before going to sleep. • Arrange for a date with your partner; try to prepare for it together and put a lot of thought in it, as just arranging it will bring you closer. You can return to the locations that have a special meaning to you, like the place where you both first met. Going there will bring to you the great memories that you shared together, which in turn will help keep the romance alive in your marriage. • Always try to keep a smile on your face, smiling can ease a lot of things up, and remember what the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us that smiling in your brother’s face is like giving charity. • Be sure to look, smell and feel good for yourself and for your spouse at all times. Show your husband or wife that you care by taking the time to look, feel, and smell good. • And last but not least, try to make the best of your du’aa for each other behind your spouse back, you can ask Allah to protect your partner or even to change something in him/her that you don’t like. You will surely see miracles. Marriage can make life either as living in heaven or hell so try to make use of it as much as possible; and always remember not to surrender to life’s burdens and problems. Marital life can get complicated especially when children enter the picture, but you have to know that all choices are in your hands.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:11:52 +0000

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