Each time I sit down to write about retrograde Im hit with another - TopicsExpress


Each time I sit down to write about retrograde Im hit with another blow from its side effects! Thankfully its into its final 34 hours & finishes tomorrow, with the new moon in Scorpio its a great time for new beginnings. Its also a time for endings. So some of you will find your schedules wiped clear unexpectedly , relationships coming to their natural/abrupt ending. Retrograde is always a great time to plan NOT implement change as retrograde always has a habit of turning everything upside down. The great thing about coming into the new moon from a retrograde is the lighter energy. You will feel the heaviness lift , obstacles that may have appeared insurmountable, are sorted effortlessly & solutions appear as if out of the blue. The last two weeks may have been quite rough on you but you have cleared the old energy/toxic patterns for once & for all. You are being reminded of your soul purpose. You & only you alone can find your soul purpose. Spirit will give you signs if you ask but the lesson is about listening to your intuition/ gut feelings. Nothing like a retrograde to shake the core foundations- as the truth will come out no matter how ugly. You must face it, as to hide beneath it will incur a stronger backlash next retrograde. For those of you that skipped through this retrograde - your energy did not need the recalabration most sensitives need in order to follow the call of their soul purpose. If youve been through the ringer like myself know youre nearly there! Issues have been brought to your attention that you may have swept under the carpet in other circumstances. You will move into this new moon energy with a purpose, knowing the value of integrity , friendship , loyalty & respect. At the time as you experienced this upset/meltdown/betrayal , the urge to retreat to victim mentality may have been strong but by dealing head on you will emerge triumphant on the other side, with your boundaries defined. The proverbial line in the sand will be drawn, so to speak. We are entering the final few months of this year of the horse-it has literally flown by. Start to instigate plans, dont give up on your dreams. The universe is ALWAYS listening.... If youve lost your inspiration- find it! Get out, clear your head, ring a friend that makes your heart smile , listen to your favourite songs , watch your favourite movie. Now is the time to get yourself back on track & only you can do it! ©Fiona Faery
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:29:34 +0000

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