Each toteemieläimellä, such as signs of the zodiac have their - TopicsExpress


Each toteemieläimellä, such as signs of the zodiac have their own specific character traits and general personality factors. That which each toteemieläin is determined by their date of birth of the. Find your toteemieläimesi below. Do you recognize yourself? Otter: january 20 - February 18. Otters are often special and behave in a different way than peruskäyttäytymissäännöt the same token. Otters are can be difficult to understand, especially for those who do them properly feeling. Otters perform their work in a way that would not suit most people. However, it is not like that fool you, because even though the otter to meet are strange, they are surprisingly effective. Otters examine the world from our own perspective. They are immensely imaginative and intelligent and that is why they are always stand up a bit ahead of the others. Otters often rely on intuition. They are also really good friends, who give attention to it considers important to people. Loving and comfortable environment otters are very sensitive, sympathetic, courageous and honest. If the otters have a tight situation in the front, they can rebel against or isolate themselves completely. Wolf: February 19 - March 20. The wolf is supertunteellinen and very passionate. Wolves are known toteemieläimistä just a lover of-character. The wolf is anyone to believe that all that is needed in the world, is love. The wolf is a controversial character. Although she loves to love and is very gentle and empathetic, it also needs a lot of independence and their own time. often the wolves are the so-called loners. Loving and comfortable surroundings wolves are really passionate and generous, showing affection and are gentle. In a pinch, wolves may be obsessed, impractical and vindictive. Hawk: March 21 - April 19. Hawk is like a born director and his justice can always rely on. Hawk smell of money, instead of wasting time, but forges where the iron is hot. For large groups or in team sports, the hawk is a valued member of the team. Falcons can sometimes behave itserakkaasti. On the other hand, they are also usually always right, so the small size of the swamp them with arrogance. Loving and comfortable surroundings until the end of the hawk is a passionate and especially the relationships he kept the flame is easily maintained. In a pinch, the hawk can be rude, intolerant, impatient and hypersensitive. The beaver: April 20 - May 20. Come, see and butter - thats the motto of the beaver. Business world beaver gets everything done with tremendous efficiency. In working life, the beaver is a valued partner. Beaver should not challenge the debate, as he has a razor-sharp wit and a sharp tongue. Although the beaver is a valued partner, for example, in the business world, he will often problems because demands that things are done either on their way or not at all. Often, the beavers would be the best way to deny, but the beavers should also learn to compromise. Loving environment beavers may be sympathetic, generous, helpful and loyal. If they have a hard spot, they may be nervous, behave cowardly or possessive or affect arrogant or demanding. Deer: May 21 - June 20. Deer are very lively and quick-witted. Deer has a good sense of humor and they will get to anyone laugh. Deer is the desired thing on, though they may be a little self-centered. Deer are very aware of their own being, but his mild narsismiaan tolerated, because they are so talented. The pleasant surroundings of deer activity and luminous come into their own. Relationship deer is often in terms of the driving force. If the deer will have a hard spot, he can be selfish, petulant, impatient, lazy, and two-faced. Darts: June 21 - July 21. Woodpeckers are all toteemieläimistä nurturing. They are tremendously good listeners, empathetic and understanding. Tikka is the one who wants to chest, when you need help. Woodpeckers are the parent of ideals, and they are also good partners. Woodpeckers are also very resourceful and good to organize. Gentle environment woodpecker is caring, dedicated and really romantic. If the ladder gets a hard spot, he may be angry, possessive, jealous and malicious. Salmon: July 22 - August 21. Salmon is an electronic energetic, intuitive and creative. His energy is also contagious, and he is a natural energiser. Salmon gets all of the ideas, even if they do not have that much sense. Salmon there is no shortage of friends, he is generous and intelligent. Salmon is a lot of goals and nature, he gets all the innostettua according to their projects, no matter how selfish any time. In a safe environment salmon is stable, calm, sensual, and generous. If the salmon will have a hard spot, he may behave intolerance, egotistical, and even vulgar. Bear: August 22 - September 21. The bear is very pragmatic and he has a good methodology, which he is able to take full advantage. The bear has abilities due to a work mate really appreciated and he also kept his feet on the ground. Bears are particularly along well with owls. The bear has a big heart and they are generous. Bears are often very modest and even a little shy. Loving environment bears are really loving and sacrificial. They are also so patient, that many who take them when you want to learn something, or need advice. A hard spot in contact with bears will be skeptical, lazy, small-minded and closed. Raven: September 22 - October 22. Raven is really enthusiastic and they must therefore naturally often entrepreneurs. Their charm is also playing almost all, and they do not need to make the effort hurmatakseen other. All ravens describe the energetic and they attract käännytäänkin whenever needed ideas and opinions. Ravens are idealistic and diplomatic. Loving environment ravens are very laid back and romantic, as well as kaunissanaisia. A couple of ravens relations are often very patient and intuitive. If the raven gets a hard spot, he can become demanding, inconsistent, vindictive and heavy. Snake: October 23 - November 22. Snakes are very spiritual, and it should be a leader of their figures. Old people believed that snakes is the healer of features and still snakes excellent, especially in the care sector. Sometimes snakes have in mind so many of the things that most people do not even see or pay attention to them, that they may affect the otherworldly, or, at worst, even frightening. While the snakes is a secret and often a dark side, can also be sensitive and caring. Transmitting a relationship snakes can be passionate, inspiring, humorous and helpful. If the snake will have a hard spot, he may turn his coat, to be violent and suffer from mood swings. Owl: November 23 - December 21. The owl is like a mutant, and is able to transform any situation. Owls is more difficult to find out. Owls embrace the life of an open heart and go full steam ahead. Owls can not be indifferent and behave unpredictably. In addition, they may be inconsiderate. Owl for suitable professions are an artist or teachers profession, as well as nature conservation tasks. On the other hand, the owls are doing adaptability due to occupation as an occupation. In encouraging environment owls are sensitive, enthusiastic and good listeners. If the owl gets a hard spot, he can be bitter and belligerent. Goose: December 22 - january 19. If you want to, that any thing should be taken care of, let it Goose responsibility. Goose set themselves targets and achieve them at all times. The goose wants to succeed at any cost, and not wait for the approval of others for doing so. Geese are tremendously motivated, and therefore, they are really good business partners and teammates. Providing support environment geese can achieve everything by reaching out. They also have really a sense of humor, passionate and sensual. If the geese have been duped, they may start to behave obsessively or addicted, and it may lead to their downfall.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 00:51:39 +0000

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