Each year I put pen to paper and enjoy recalling top lessons of - TopicsExpress


Each year I put pen to paper and enjoy recalling top lessons of the year. As much as I wish that each years reflections were all happy or warm and cozy memories, I know that a life of flabby optimism with only sunshine would leave us shallow, one sided and stunted in our growth. So Im learning to be thankful for joys intermingled with pain and hardship that produce character and certainly strengthen our faith muscles and contribute to our evolution, maturity, preaching power and living power. With that gratitude bubbling over of a year of ups and downs, here are a few of my top life reminders of this year. This list is extensive and will be even more extensive on an upcoming blog, but this is a snapshot of my 2014 Top 25. Its reflective. Its long, but its honest. Read it or scroll past it. Its not written for likes but to acknowledge my own journey and growth and with the hopes of helping someone on their journey. Ready? Lets grow! Here we go: 25. Love hard. No day is promised. Love like its your last day on earth. 24. Get over yourself. There is so much more going on in the world than your own thoughts, life, posts and perspectives. Be aware of what is happening in you, around you and above you. 23. Our hiccups and hurts can become the birthplace to our ministry and life calling. Hurts help. Dont get consumed by the pain. Pain is purposed. Rejection is purposed. Waiting is purposed. Pruning is purposed. Dark places lead to destiny moments. The cocoon isnt designed to kill the butterfly but to strengthen its wings. Grow on through it. 22. There are surfaced relationships and substantive relationships, we determine the ones we foster the most. Choose well. 21. When life transitions take an attitude of gratitude with you. Every season contributes to who we are and are becoming. Learn from all experiences. Remember those who gave shoulders to you and know that you never have to stop loving the people that you learned with and from. 20. When we make a paycheck, benefits, a person, an opportunity or a season more important than God it has become a god. Dethrone it. Return to your first love in God. His place in our heart should be without competition. 19. Celebrate transitions. It moves you closer to new moments of faith. Dont be your own stumbling block. Move from familiarity to obscurity. New territory awaits! 18. Know when to hold em, when to fold them and when to walk away. Some relationships must be severed at times and some must undergo a make over. When life or relationships change, let it. Transition is calling when your wings have no more wingspan room. Trust God with the push out of the nest. He helps each of us to fly by any means necessary. 17. Hurt people hurt people. Dont be one of them. Be made whole and become a wounded healer. 16. Be healthy. We only get one life. How we live, eat, exercise, take care of our temples and even take care of our spirit and our thought life is our thank you note back to God for creating us. Live thankfully. 15. Be progressive. You cant move forward stuck in reverse. There is more to life than what is in the rearview mirror. 14. As you move forward understand that it is possible to progress without developing spiritual and social amnesia. Never forget or smear out the past that helped you. Gratitude keeps us grounded. 13. Know who you are. When you are aware of who you are, you are settled in your spirit with who you are not and can be your best self, accepting your strengths and weaknesses, while cheering for others in their areas of giftedness. 12. The opinions of others are always changing. Stand in the power of Gods might, not in the approval, understanding or opinions of others. Gods opinion matters most. 11. Purpose clarifies. Knowing why you were born helps in the stewardship of your vision, gifts, relationships, words and daily agenda. 10. People that act little are silently crying for help. See them. See their predicament and their unspoken pain, not their poor judgement in words or behavior. Sometimes they are unintentionally showing the hand of their life that reflects their low self esteem, search for significance and desire to be accepted. Hear the words that they may never speak to you. Even when their behavior is unacceptable, know how to love the unlovely, how to live above their foolery and to identify with their pain. Accept that the dysfunction of others does not have to make you dysfunctional and remember that each of us is imperfect and under construction. Forgive freely. 9. Hateration is often admiration turned on its head. When the enemy distorts a persons view of you due to misguided or perverted presuppositions, know that its Gods business to change views, not yours. Keep your head up and keep it moving. You are who God says you are. Someones truth may not be the truth. Live the truth. Reputation is a strong defender of character and when we make mistakes we have forgiveness from above. Remembering that we are offenders in need of forgiveness helps us to forgive our offenders. Its difficult but possible. 8. We reveal what we love by what we spend the most time doing. Be careful of time killers and be aware of life enhancers. Spend time in things that matter. What we value is what we feed the most. 7. Being is much more important than doing. Dont make titles, procedures or jobs a stumbling block or the basis of your esteem. There is a ministry in simply being. 6. Invest. Invest in yourself and others. Grow in the Word. Strengthen your prayer life. Dream. Set goals and a plan to attain those goals. Work hard. Rest well. Have fun. Have mentors. Be a mentor. Grow friendships. Be grateful. Reject negativity. Impact positively daily. Read. Write. Have a voice. Give a voice to others. Serve. Evolve. Repeat. 5. Move on. One of lifes greatest tragedies are moments that are missed because we are replaying the pain of our past. Press on! 4. Be a lifter of people. 3. Financial gain is sweet but exposure, experience and a platform built on obedience and submission to God is the most fulfilling payment. Surrender costs and it is gratifying payment. 2. Dont let hurt make you a hermit. Live and learn. Bounce back better. Never apologize for who God made you to be. Dont dumb down or dim your light. Shine brightly. Know your value. Refuse to settle. Give yourself away. Live your legacy now. Accept your heavenly inheritance. 1. Gods grace is Still sufficient. # chronicles of a year that made me a woman. ## count down to 2015. ### Have a wondrous new year! ©
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:23:19 +0000

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