Eagles VS Turkeys When it comes to friendships, I love this - TopicsExpress


Eagles VS Turkeys When it comes to friendships, I love this old saying that states rather succinctly: You can’t soar like an eagle if you hang around turkeys. The truth is, your abilities, productivity and success in life will either be hindered or enhanced by the friends you have and the company you keep. In Mark 2, there’s a story of a paralytic with four friends. The man couldn’t walk. He had no ability. He couldn’t do anything at all. But thankfully, what he did have was four wonderful friends. So here were four guys who were completely committed to help this guy with no ability. They were willing put their personal safety on the line. They scaled the walls of the house that Jesus was ministering in, peeled off the roof and carefully lowered him down for Jesus to heal. And because of their efforts, their friend received a miraculous healing that day! Many people have great abilities and amazing talents, but because they hang with the wrong crowd, they can never rise to their highest potential and be as successful as God intended! “Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” ~ 1 Corinthians 15:33 Who do you spend your time with? Are they encouraging you to make the most of what God has given you? Or are they causing you to squander it instead? If you’re not making the most of your abilities because of the negative influence of others, then I encourage you to evaluate your relationships today. It is absolutely crucial that you align yourself with the right friendships—those who will encourage you to make the most of all God has given you! Prayer for the day: Ask God to give you the wisdom to reevaluate the friendships and relationships in your life. Pray that He will help you to build strong relationships with people who will encourage you to make the most of the abilities He has given you, and as a result, help you to soar in your life! --- Kong Hee
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:57:18 +0000

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